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Code Editor : chart-custom.js
(function(jQuery) { "use strict"; jQuery(document).ready(function() { var rightSideBarMini = false; checkRightSideBar(rightSideBarMini); jQuery(document).on('click', '.right-sidebar-toggle', function() { if (rightSideBarMini) { rightSideBarMini = false; } else { rightSideBarMini = true; } checkRightSideBar(rightSideBarMini); }) }); function checkRightSideBar(rightSideBarMini) { if (rightSideBarMini) { rightSideBarShow(); } else { rightSideBarHide() } } function rightSideBarShow() { jQuery('.right-sidebar-mini').addClass('right-sidebar') } function rightSideBarHide() { jQuery('.right-sidebar-mini').removeClass('right-sidebar') } })(jQuery); /*--------------Chart 1----------------*/ var options = { chart: { height: 80, type: 'area', sparkline: { enabled: true }, group: 'sparklines', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { width: 3, curve: 'smooth' }, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shadeIntensity: 1, opacityFrom: 0.5, opacityTo: 0, } }, series: [{ name: 'series1', data: [60, 15, 50, 30, 70] }, ], colors: ['#f15773'], xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: ["2018-08-19T00:00:00", "2018-09-19T01:30:00", "2018-10-19T02:30:00", "2018-11-19T01:30:00", "2018-12-19T01:30:00"], }, tooltip: { x: { format: 'dd/MM/yy HH:mm' }, } }; if (jQuery('#chart-1').length) { var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-1"), options ); chart.render(); } /*--------------Chart 2----------------*/ var options = { chart: { height: 80, type: 'area', sparkline: { enabled: true }, group: 'sparklines', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { width: 3, curve: 'smooth' }, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shadeIntensity: 1, opacityFrom: 0.5, opacityTo: 0, } }, series: [{ name: 'series1', data: [70, 40, 60, 30, 60] }, ], colors: ['#ffd400'], xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: ["2018-08-19T00:00:00", "2018-09-19T01:30:00", "2018-10-19T02:30:00", "2018-11-19T01:30:00", "2018-12-19T01:30:00"], }, tooltip: { x: { format: 'dd/MM/yy HH:mm' }, } }; if (jQuery('#chart-2').length) { var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-2"), options ); chart.render(); } /*--------------Chart 3----------------*/ var options = { chart: { height: 80, type: 'area', sparkline: { enabled: true }, group: 'sparklines', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { width: 3, curve: 'smooth' }, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shadeIntensity: 1, opacityFrom: 0.5, opacityTo: 0, } }, series: [{ name: 'series1', data: [60, 40, 60, 40, 70] }, ], colors: ['#4F6272'], xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: ["2018-08-19T00:00:00", "2018-09-19T01:30:00", "2018-10-19T02:30:00", "2018-11-19T01:30:00", "2018-12-19T01:30:00"], }, tooltip: { x: { format: 'dd/MM/yy HH:mm' }, } }; if (jQuery('#chart-3').length) { var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-3"), options ); chart.render(); } /*--------------Chart 4----------------*/ var options = { chart: { height: 80, type: 'area', sparkline: { enabled: true }, group: 'sparklines', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { width: 3, curve: 'smooth' }, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shadeIntensity: 1, opacityFrom: 0.5, opacityTo: 0, } }, series: [{ name: 'series1', data: [75, 30, 60, 35, 60] }, ], colors: ['#e64141'], xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: ["2018-08-19T00:00:00", "2018-09-19T01:30:00", "2018-10-19T02:30:00", "2018-11-19T01:30:00", "2018-12-19T01:30:00"], }, tooltip: { x: { format: 'dd/MM/yy HH:mm' }, } }; if (jQuery('#chart-4').length) { var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-4"), options ); chart.render(); } /*--------------Chart 5----------------*/ var options = { chart: { height: 200, type: 'line', sparkline: { enabled: true }, stacked: false, }, stroke: { width: [2, 3], curve: 'smooth', dashArray: [0, 5] }, plotOptions: { bar: { columnWidth: '50%' } }, colors: ['#4F6272', '#f15773'], series: [{ name: 'Vine', type: 'area', data: [44, 55, 41, 67, 22, 43, 21, 41, 56, 27, 43] }, { name: 'Dribbble', type: 'line', data: [30, 25, 36, 30, 45, 35, 64, 52, 59, 36, 39] }], fill: { opacity: [0.2, 1], gradient: { inverseColors: false, shade: 'light', type: "vertical", opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, stops: [0, 100, 100, 100] } }, labels: ['01/01/2003', '02/01/2003', '03/01/2003', '04/01/2003', '05/01/2003', '06/01/2003', '07/01/2003', '08/01/2003', '09/01/2003', '10/01/2003', '11/01/2003'], markers: { size: 0 }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime' }, yaxis: { min: 0 }, tooltip: { shared: true, intersect: false, y: { formatter: function(y) { if (typeof y !== "undefined") { return y.toFixed(0) + " views"; } return y; } } }, legend: { labels: { useSeriesColors: true }, markers: { customHTML: [ function() { return '' }, function() { return '' }, function() { return '' } ] } } }; if (jQuery('#chart-5').length) { var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-5"), options ); chart.render(); } /*--------------Chart 6----------------*/ var options = { chart: { height: 400, type: 'bar', sparkline: { show: false }, toolbar: { show: false }, }, colors: ['#f15773', '#ffd400'], plotOptions: { bar: { horizontal: false, columnWidth: '30%', endingShape: 'rounded' }, }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { show: false, width: 5, colors: ['#ffffff'], }, series: [{ name: 'Mobile', enabled: 'true', data: [44, 90, 90, 60, 115] }, { name: 'Desktop', data: [35, 80, 100, 70, 95] }], fill: { opacity: 1 }, tooltip: { y: { formatter: function(val) { return "$ " + val + " thousands" } } } }; options.colors = ['#f15773', '#4F6272']; if (jQuery('#bar-chart-6').length) { var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#bar-chart-6"), options ); chart.render(); } if (jQuery('#chart-6').length) { var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-6"), options ); chart.render(); } /*---------------- Chart - 7, Chart - 8 --------------------*/ var lastDate = 0; var data = []; var TICKINTERVAL = 86400000; let XAXISRANGE = 777600000; function getDayWiseTimeSeries(baseval, count, yrange) { var i = 0; while (i < count) { var x = baseval; var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (yrange.max - yrange.min + 1)) + yrange.min; data.push({ x, y }); lastDate = baseval; baseval += TICKINTERVAL; i++; } } getDayWiseTimeSeries(new Date('11 Feb 2017 GMT').getTime(), 10, { min: 10, max: 90 }); function getNewSeries(baseval, yrange) { var newDate = baseval + TICKINTERVAL; lastDate = newDate; for (var i = 0; i < data.length - 10; i++) { data[i].x = newDate - XAXISRANGE - TICKINTERVAL; data[i].y = 0; } data.push({ x: newDate, y: Math.floor(Math.random() * (yrange.max - yrange.min + 1)) + yrange.min }) } function resetData() { // Alternatively, you can also reset the data at certain intervals to prevent creating a huge series data = data.slice(data.length - 10, data.length); } var options = { chart: { height: 150, type: 'area', animations: { enabled: true, easing: 'linear', dynamicAnimation: { speed: 1000 } }, toolbar: { show: false }, sparkline: { enabled: true }, group: 'sparklines', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { curve: 'straight', width: 3 }, series: [{ data: data }], markers: { size: 4 }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', range: XAXISRANGE, }, yaxis: { max: 100 }, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shadeIntensity: 1, inverseColors: false, opacityFrom: 0.5, opacityTo: 0, stops: [0, 90, 100] }, }, legend: { show: false }, }; options.colors = ['#f15773']; if (jQuery('#wave-chart-7').length) { options.markers.size = 0; options.chart.type = 'area'; options.stroke.curve = "smooth"; options.chart.height = 70; var wave_chart_7 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#wave-chart-7"), options ); wave_chart_7.render(); } if (jQuery('#chart-7').length) { var chart_7 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-7"), options ); chart_7.render(); } options.colors = ['#4F6272']; if (jQuery('#wave-chart-8').length) { options.markers.size = 0; options.chart.height = 70; options.stroke.curve = "smooth"; options.chart.type = 'area'; var wave_chart_8 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#wave-chart-8"), options ); wave_chart_8.render(); } if (jQuery('#chart-8').length) { var chart_8 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-8"), options ); chart_8.render(); } options.colors = ['#00d0ff']; if (jQuery('#wave-chart-9').length) { options.markers.size = 0; options.chart.height = 70; options.stroke.curve = "smooth"; options.chart.type = 'area'; var wave_chart_9 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#wave-chart-9"), options ); wave_chart_9.render(); } if (jQuery('#chart-9').length) { var chart_9 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-9"), options ); chart_9.render(); } options.colors = ['#e64141']; if (jQuery('#wave-chart-10').length) { options.markers.size = 0; options.chart.height = 70; options.stroke.curve = "smooth"; options.chart.type = 'area'; var wave_chart_10 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#wave-chart-10"), options ); wave_chart_10.render(); } if (jQuery('#chart-10').length) { var chart_10 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-10"), options ); chart_10.render(); } if (jQuery('#wave-chart-7').length || jQuery('#wave-chart-8').length || jQuery('#wave-chart-9').length || jQuery('#wave-chart-10').length) { window.setInterval(function() { getNewSeries(lastDate, { min: 10, max: 90 }); if (jQuery('#wave-chart-7').length) { wave_chart_7.updateSeries([{ data: data }]); } if (jQuery('#wave-chart-8').length) { wave_chart_8.updateSeries([{ data: data }]) } if (jQuery('#wave-chart-9').length) { wave_chart_9.updateSeries([{ data: data }]) } if (jQuery('#wave-chart-10').length) { wave_chart_10.updateSeries([{ data: data }]) } }, 1000); } // if(jQuery('#chart-7').length || jQuery('#chart-8').length) { // window.setInterval(function () { // getNewSeries(lastDate, { // min: 10, // max: 90 // }); // if(jQuery('#chart-7').length){ // chart_7.updateSeries([{ // data: data // }]); // } // if(jQuery('#chart-8').length) { // chart_8.updateSeries([{ // data: data // }]) // } // }, 1000); // } /*--------------- Chart-9 --------------*/ var options = { chart: { height: 112, type: 'area', animations: { enabled: true, easing: 'linear', dynamicAnimation: { speed: 1000 } }, toolbar: { show: false }, sparkline: { enabled: true }, group: 'sparklines', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { curve: 'smooth', width: 3 }, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shadeIntensity: 1, opacityFrom: 0.5, opacityTo: 0, } }, series: [{ data: data }], markers: { size: 0 }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', range: XAXISRANGE, }, yaxis: { max: 100 }, legend: { show: false }, }; options.colors = ['#f15773']; if (jQuery('#chart-9').length) { var chart9 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-9"), options ); chart9.render(); window.setInterval(function() { getNewSeries(lastDate, { min: 10, max: 90 }); if (jQuery('#chart-9').length) { chart9.updateSeries([{ data: data }]); } }, 1000); } /*----------------- Chart-10 ----------------*/ function generateData(baseval, count, yrange) { var i = 0; var series = []; while (i < count) { var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (750 - 1 + 1)) + 1;; var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (yrange.max - yrange.min + 1)) + yrange.min; var z = Math.floor(Math.random() * (75 - 15 + 1)) + 15; series.push([x, y, z]); baseval += 86400000; i++; } return series; } var options = { chart: { height: 440, type: 'bubble', stacked: false, toolbar: { show: false }, animations: { enabled: true, easing: 'linear', dynamicAnimation: { speed: 1000 } }, sparkline: { enabled: true }, group: 'sparklines', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: 'Bubble1', data: generateData(new Date('11 Feb 2017 GMT').getTime(), 10, { min: 10, max: 60 }) }, { name: 'Bubble2', data: generateData(new Date('11 Feb 2017 GMT').getTime(), 10, { min: 10, max: 60 }) }, { name: 'Bubble3', data: generateData(new Date('11 Feb 2017 GMT').getTime(), 10, { min: 10, max: 60 }) }, { name: 'Bubble4', data: generateData(new Date('11 Feb 2017 GMT').getTime(), 10, { min: 10, max: 60 }) }], fill: { opacity: 0.8 }, title: { show: false }, xaxis: { tickAmount: 8, type: 'category', labels: { show: false } }, yaxis: { max: 70, labels: { show: false } }, legend: { show: false } }; if (jQuery('#chart-10').length) { var chart_2 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-10"), options ); chart_2.render(); } /*----------------- Chart-11 ----------------*/ var chart11 = { chart: { height: 407, type: 'line', zoom: { enabled: false }, toolbar: { show: false }, }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { width: [5, 7, 5], curve: 'straight', dashArray: [0, 8, 5] }, series: [{ name: "Session Duration", data: [45, 52, 38, 24, 33, 26, 21, 20, 6, 8, 15, 10] }, { name: "Page Views", data: [35, 41, 62, 42, 13, 18, 29, 37, 36, 51, 32, 35] }, { name: 'Total Visits', data: [87, 57, 74, 99, 75, 38, 62, 47, 82, 56, 45, 47] }], legend: { show: false }, markers: { size: 0, hover: { sizeOffset: 6 } }, xaxis: { categories: ['01 Jan', '02 Jan', '03 Jan', '04 Jan', '05 Jan', '06 Jan', '07 Jan', '08 Jan', '09 Jan', '10 Jan', '11 Jan', '12 Jan' ] }, yaxis: { labels: { show: false } }, tooltip: { y: [{ title: { formatter: function(val) { return val + " (mins)" } } }, { title: { formatter: function(val) { return val + " per session" } } }, { title: { formatter: function(val) { return val; } } }] }, grid: { borderColor: '#f1f1f1', } } if (jQuery('#chart-11').length) { var chart_3 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-11"), chart11 ); chart_3.render(); } /*--------------Chart 12----------------*/ var options12 = { chart: { height: 140, type: 'area', sparkline: { enabled: true }, group: 'sparklines', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { width: 5, curve: 'smooth' }, fill: { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shadeIntensity: 1, opacityFrom: 0.5, opacityTo: 0, } }, series: [{ name: 'series1', data: [70, 40, 60, 30, 60] }, ], colors: ['#ffd400'], xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: ["2018-08-19T00:00:00", "2018-09-19T01:30:00", "2018-10-19T02:30:00", "2018-11-19T01:30:00", "2018-12-19T01:30:00"], }, tooltip: { x: { format: 'dd/MM/yy HH:mm' }, } }; if (jQuery('#chart-12').length) { var chart12 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-12"), options12 ); chart12.render(); } var barOptions12 = { chart: { height: 150, type: 'bar', sparkline: { enabled: true }, group: 'sparklines', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { curve: 'smooth', width: 15 }, series: [{ name: 'series1', data: [70, 40, 60, 30, 60, ] }, ], colors: ['#e3e9ef'], xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: ["2019-08-19T00:00:00", "2019-09-19T00:00:00", "2019-10-19T00:00:00", "2019-11-19T00:00:00"], }, tooltip: { x: { format: 'dd/MM/yy HH:mm' }, } }; if (jQuery('#bar-chart-12').length) { var chart12 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#bar-chart-12"), barOptions12 ); chart12.render(); window.setInterval(function() { getNewSeries(lastDate, { min: 10, max: 90 }); if (jQuery('#bar-chart-12').length) { chart12.updateSeries([{ data: data }]); } }, 1000); } /*--------------Chart 13----------------*/ var option13 = { chart: { height: 420, type: 'radialBar', stroke: { show: true, curve: 'smooth', lineCap: 'butt', colors: undefined, width: 3, dashArray: 0, }, }, plotOptions: { radialBar: { hollow: { margin: 10, size: '30%', background: 'transparent', image: undefined, imageWidth: 64, imageHeight: 64, }, dataLabels: { name: { fontSize: '22px', }, value: { fontSize: '16px', }, total: { show: true, label: 'Total', formatter: function(w) { // By default this function returns the average of all series. The below is just an example to show the use of custom formatter function return 249 } } } } }, fill: { type: 'gradient', }, colors: ['#f15773', '#4F6272', '#ffd400'], series: [44, 55, 67], stroke: { lineCap: 'round' }, labels: [' Mobile', 'Desktop', 'Tablet', 'Watch'], }; if (jQuery('#chart-13').length) { var chart13 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-13"), option13 ); chart13.render(); } /*--------------Chart 13----------------*/ var option14 = { chart: { height: 350, type: 'radialBar', }, plotOptions: { hollow: { margin: 10, size: '30%', background: 'transparent', image: undefined, imageWidth: 64, imageHeight: 64, }, radialBar: { startAngle: -135, endAngle: 135, dataLabels: { name: { fontSize: '16px', color: undefined, offsetY: 120 }, value: { offsetY: 76, fontSize: '22px', color: undefined, formatter: function(val) { return val + "%"; } } } } }, fill: {}, stroke: { dashArray: 5, }, series: [67], labels: ['User traffic'], colors: ['#f15773'], }; if (jQuery('#chart-14').length) { var chart14 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-14"), option14 ); chart14.render(); } /*--------------Chart 15----------------*/ var option15 = { chart: { height: 310, type: 'line', stacked: false, toolbar: { show: false } }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, colors: ['#4F6272', '#f15773', '#e64141'], series: [{ name: 'Income', type: 'column', data: [14, 2, 25, 15, 25, 28, 38, 46] }, { name: 'Cashflow', type: 'column', data: [11, 3, 31, 4, 41, 49, 65, 85] }, { name: 'Revenue', type: 'line', data: [20, 29, 37, 36, 44, 45, 50, 58] }], stroke: { width: [1, 1, 4] }, xaxis: { categories: [2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016], labels: { show: false } }, yaxis: { show: false }, tooltip: { theme: 'dark', fixed: { enabled: true, position: 'topLeft', // topRight, topLeft, bottomRight, bottomLeft offsetY: 30, offsetX: 60 }, }, legend: { show: false, } }; if (jQuery('#chart-15').length) { var chart15 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-15"), option15 ); chart15.render(); } /*--------------Chart 16----------------*/ var option16 = { chart: { height: 350, type: 'area', sparkline: { enabled: true }, group: 'sparklines', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { curve: 'smooth' }, series: [{ name: 'series1', data: [3, 30, 15, 25, 35] }, ], colors: ['#6f32ff'], xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: ["2018-08-19T00:00:00", "2018-09-19T01:30:00", "2018-10-19T02:30:00", "2018-11-19T01:30:00", "2018-12-19T01:30:00"], }, tooltip: { x: { format: 'dd/MM/yy HH:mm' }, } }; if (jQuery('#chart-16').length) { var chart16 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-16"), option16 ); chart16.render(); } /*--------------Chart 17----------------*/ var option17 = { chart: { height: 268, type: 'area', zoom: { enabled: false }, toolbar: { show: false }, sparkline: { enabled: true }, group: 'sparklines', }, colors: ['#f15773', '#4F6272', '#ffd400'], dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { width: [3, 2, 3], curve: 'straight', }, series: [{ name: "Session Duration", data: [45, 52, 38, 24, 33, 26, 21, 20, 6, 8, 15, 10] }, { name: "Page Views", data: [35, 41, 62, 42, 13, 18, 29, 37, 36, 51, 32, 35] }, { name: 'Total Visits', data: [87, 57, 74, 30, 75, 38, 62, 47, 82, 56, 45, 47] }], legend: { show: false }, markers: { size: 0, hover: { sizeOffset: 6 } }, xaxis: { categories: ['01 Jan', '02 Jan', '03 Jan', '04 Jan', '05 Jan', '06 Jan', '07 Jan', '08 Jan', '09 Jan', '10 Jan', '11 Jan', '12 Jan' ], labels: { show: false } }, yaxis: { labels: { show: false } }, tooltip: { y: [{ title: { formatter: function(val) { return val + " (mins)" } } }, { title: { formatter: function(val) { return val + " per session" } } }, { title: { formatter: function(val) { return val; } } }] }, grid: { borderColor: '#f1f1f1', } } if (jQuery('#Dash1MultiBarChart').length) { var chart17 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#Dash1MultiBarChart"), option17 ); chart17.render(); } /*--------------Chart 18----------------*/ var option18 = { chart: { height: 235, type: 'donut', }, plotOptions: { pie: { donut: { size: '55%' } } }, series: [44, 55, 41], colors: ['#4F6272', '#e64141', '#f15773'], labels: ['Server1', 'Server2', 'Server3'], legend: { position: 'bottom' } }; if (jQuery('#Dash1DonetChart').length) { var chart18 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#Dash1DonetChart"), option18 ); chart18.render(); } var option19 = { chart: { height: 308, type: 'line', toolbar: { show: false } }, series: [{ name: 'Website Blog', type: 'column', data: [440, 505, 414, 671, 227, 413, 201, 352, 752, 320, 257, 160] }, { name: 'Social Media', type: 'line', data: [23, 42, 35, 27, 43, 22, 17, 31, 22, 22, 12, 16] }], stroke: { width: [0, 4] }, title: { show: false }, legend: { show: false }, // labels: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], labels: ['01 Jan 2001', '02 Jan 2001', '03 Jan 2001', '04 Jan 2001', '05 Jan 2001', '06 Jan 2001', '07 Jan 2001', '08 Jan 2001', '09 Jan 2001', '10 Jan 2001', '11 Jan 2001', '12 Jan 2001'], colors: ['#f15773', '#4F6272'], xaxis: { labels: { show: false, }, type: 'datetime' }, yaxis: [{ labels: { show: false, } }, { labels: { show: false, } }], }; if (jQuery('#chart-19').length) { var chart19 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-19"), option19 ); chart19.render(); } var option20 = { chart: { height: 387, type: 'line', stacked: false, toolbar: { show: false }, sparkline: { enabled: true }, group: 'sparklines', }, stroke: { width: [2, 3], curve: 'smooth' }, plotOptions: { bar: { columnWidth: '20%' } }, colors: ['#4F6272', '#f15773'], series: [{ name: 'Vine', type: 'area', data: [44, 55, 41, 67, 22, 43, 21, 41, 56, 27, 43] }, { name: 'Dribbble', type: 'line', data: [30, 25, 36, 30, 45, 35, 64, 52, 59, 36, 39] }], fill: { opacity: [0.25, 1], gradient: { inverseColors: false, shade: 'light', type: "vertical", opacityFrom: 0.85, opacityTo: 0.55, stops: [0, 100, 100, 100] } }, labels: ['01/01/2003', '02/01/2003', '03/01/2003', '04/01/2003', '05/01/2003', '06/01/2003', '07/01/2003', '08/01/2003', '09/01/2003', '10/01/2003', '11/01/2003'], xaxis: { type: 'datetime', labels: { show: false } }, yaxis: { min: 0, labels: { show: false } }, tooltip: { shared: true, intersect: false, y: { formatter: function(y) { if (typeof y !== "undefined") { return y.toFixed(0) + " views"; } return y; } } }, legend: { show: false } }; if (jQuery('#chart-20').length) { var chart20 = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#chart-20"), option20 ); chart20.render(); } /** * --------------------------------------- * This demo was created using amCharts 4. * * For more information visit: * * * Documentation is available at: * * --------------------------------------- */ if (jQuery('#amChartWorldMap').length) { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end // Create map instance var chart = am4core.create("amChartWorldMap", am4maps.MapChart); // Set map definition chart.geodata = am4geodata_worldLow; // Set projection chart.projection = new am4maps.projections.Miller(); // Series for World map var worldSeries = chart.series.push(new am4maps.MapPolygonSeries()); worldSeries.exclude = ["AQ"]; worldSeries.useGeodata = true; var polygonTemplate = worldSeries.mapPolygons.template; polygonTemplate.tooltipText = "{name}"; polygonTemplate.fill = chart.colors.getIndex(0); polygonTemplate.nonScalingStroke = true; // Hover state var hs = polygonTemplate.states.create("hover"); = am4core.color("#367B25"); // Series for United States map var usaSeries = chart.series.push(new am4maps.MapPolygonSeries()); usaSeries.geodata = am4geodata_usaLow; var usPolygonTemplate = usaSeries.mapPolygons.template; usPolygonTemplate.tooltipText = "{name}"; usPolygonTemplate.fill = chart.colors.getIndex(1); usPolygonTemplate.nonScalingStroke = true; // Hover state var hs = usPolygonTemplate.states.create("hover"); = am4core.color("#367B25"); } // Web Analytics Chart if 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"EU", "continent": "Europe", "maps": ["turkeyLow", "turkeyHigh"] }, "TT": { "country": "Trinidad and Tobago", "continent_code": "NA", "continent": "North America", "maps": [] }, "TV": { "country": "Tuvalu", "continent_code": "OC", "continent": "Oceania", "maps": [] }, "TW": { "country": "Taiwan, Province of China", "continent_code": "AS", "continent": "Asia", "maps": [] }, "TZ": { "country": "Tanzania, United Republic of", "continent_code": "AF", "continent": "Africa", "maps": ["tanzaniaLow", "tanzaniaHigh"] }, "UA": { "country": "Ukraine", "continent_code": "EU", "continent": "Europe", "maps": ["ukraineLow", "ukraineHigh"] }, "UG": { "country": "Uganda", "continent_code": "AF", "continent": "Africa", "maps": [] }, "UM": { "country": "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "continent_code": "OC", "continent": "Oceania", "maps": [] }, "US": { "country": "United States", "continent_code": "NA", "continent": "North America", "maps": ["usaLow", "usaHigh", "usaTerritoriesLow", 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"continent_code": "EU", "continent": "Europe", "maps": ["kosovoLow", "kosovoHigh"] } }; var continents = { "AF": 0, "AN": 1, "AS": 2, "EU": 3, "NA": 4, "OC": 5, "SA": 6 } // Create map instance var chart = am4core.create("chartdiv", am4maps.MapChart); chart.projection = new am4maps.projections.Miller(); // Create map polygon series for world map var worldSeries = chart.series.push(new am4maps.MapPolygonSeries()); worldSeries.useGeodata = true; worldSeries.geodata = am4geodata_worldLow; worldSeries.exclude = ["AQ"]; var worldPolygon = worldSeries.mapPolygons.template; worldPolygon.tooltipText = "{name}"; worldPolygon.nonScalingStroke = true; worldPolygon.strokeOpacity = 0.5; worldPolygon.fill = am4core.color("#eee"); worldPolygon.propertyFields.fill = "color"; var hs = worldPolygon.states.create("hover"); = chart.colors.getIndex(9); // Create country specific series (but hide it for now) var countrySeries = chart.series.push(new am4maps.MapPolygonSeries()); countrySeries.useGeodata = true; countrySeries.hide();"done", function(ev) { worldSeries.hide();; }); var countryPolygon = countrySeries.mapPolygons.template; countryPolygon.tooltipText = "{name}"; countryPolygon.nonScalingStroke = true; countryPolygon.strokeOpacity = 0.5; countryPolygon.fill = am4core.color("#eee"); var hs = countryPolygon.states.create("hover"); = chart.colors.getIndex(9); // Set up click events"hit", function(ev) {; var map =; if (map) { = false; countrySeries.geodataSource.url = "" + map + ".json"; countrySeries.geodataSource.load(); } }); // Set up data for countries var data = []; for (var id in countries) { if (countries.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var country = countries[id]; if (country.maps.length) { data.push({ id: id, color: chart.colors.getIndex(continents[country.continent_code]), map: country.maps[0] }); } } } = data; // Zoom control chart.zoomControl = new am4maps.ZoomControl(); var homeButton = new am4core.Button();"hit", function() {; countrySeries.hide(); chart.goHome(); }); 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url: '', start: '2020-01-25' }, { title: 'Birthday Party', start: '2020-01-13T07:00:00', color: '#28a745' }, { title: 'Click for Google', url: '', start: '2019-12-28' }, { title: 'Meeting', start: '2020-01-12T14:30:00', color: '#f15773' }, { title: 'Birthday Party', start: '2020-01-13T07:00:00', color: '#28a745' }, { title: 'Click for Google', url: '', start: '2020-01-28' }, { title: 'All Day Event', start: '2020-02-01', color: '#fc9919' }, { title: 'Long Event', start: '2020-02-07', end: '2020-02-10', color: '#ffc107' // override! }, { groupId: '999', title: 'Repeating Event', start: '2020-02-09T16:00:00', color: '#17a2b8' }, { groupId: '999', title: 'Repeating Event', start: '2020-02-16T16:00:00', color: '#17a2b8' }] }); calendar1.render(); }); } // Chart Apex js if (jQuery('#apex-basic').length) { var options = { chart: { height: 350, type: 'line', zoom: { enabled: false } }, colors: ['#f15773'], series: [{ name: "Desktops", data: [10, 41, 35, 51, 49, 62, 69, 91, 148] }], 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[6630.71, 6648.95, 6623.34, 6635.65] }, { x: new Date(1538784000000), y: [6635.65, 6651, 6629.67, 6638.24] }, { x: new Date(1538785800000), y: [6638.24, 6640, 6620, 6624.47] }, { x: new Date(1538787600000), y: [6624.53, 6636.03, 6621.68, 6624.31] }, { x: new Date(1538789400000), y: [6624.61, 6632.2, 6617, 6626.02] }, { x: new Date(1538791200000), y: [6627, 6627.62, 6584.22, 6603.02] }, { x: new Date(1538793000000), y: [6605, 6608.03, 6598.95, 6604.01] }, { x: new Date(1538794800000), y: [6604.5, 6614.4, 6602.26, 6608.02] }, { x: new Date(1538796600000), y: [6608.02, 6610.68, 6601.99, 6608.91] }, { x: new Date(1538798400000), y: [6608.91, 6618.99, 6608.01, 6612] }, { x: new Date(1538800200000), y: [6612, 6615.13, 6605.09, 6612] }, { x: new Date(1538802000000), y: [6612, 6624.12, 6608.43, 6622.95] }, { x: new Date(1538803800000), y: [6623.91, 6623.91, 6615, 6615.67] }, { x: new Date(1538805600000), y: [6618.69, 6618.74, 6610, 6610.4] }, { x: new Date(1538807400000), y: [6611, 6622.78, 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{ x: new Date(1538834400000), y: [6579.38, 6580.92, 6566.77, 6575.96] }, { x: new Date(1538836200000), y: [6575.96, 6589, 6571.77, 6588.92] }, { x: new Date(1538838000000), y: [6588.92, 6594, 6577.55, 6589.22] }, { x: new Date(1538839800000), y: [6589.3, 6598.89, 6589.1, 6596.08] }, { x: new Date(1538841600000), y: [6597.5, 6600, 6588.39, 6596.25] }, { x: new Date(1538843400000), y: [6598.03, 6600, 6588.73, 6595.97] }, { x: new Date(1538845200000), y: [6595.97, 6602.01, 6588.17, 6602] }, { x: new Date(1538847000000), y: [6602, 6607, 6596.51, 6599.95] }, { x: new Date(1538848800000), y: [6600.63, 6601.21, 6590.39, 6591.02] }, { x: new Date(1538850600000), y: [6591.02, 6603.08, 6591, 6591] }, { x: new Date(1538852400000), y: [6591, 6601.32, 6585, 6592] }, { x: new Date(1538854200000), y: [6593.13, 6596.01, 6590, 6593.34] }, { x: new Date(1538856000000), y: [6593.34, 6604.76, 6582.63, 6593.86] }, { x: new Date(1538857800000), y: [6593.86, 6604.28, 6586.57, 6600.01] }, { x: new Date(1538859600000), y: [6601.81, 6603.21, 6592.78, 6596.25] }, { x: new Date(1538861400000), y: [6596.25, 6604.2, 6590, 6602.99] }, { x: new Date(1538863200000), y: [6602.99, 6606, 6584.99, 6587.81] }, { x: new Date(1538865000000), y: [6587.81, 6595, 6583.27, 6591.96] }, { x: new Date(1538866800000), y: [6591.97, 6596.07, 6585, 6588.39] }, { x: new Date(1538868600000), y: [6587.6, 6598.21, 6587.6, 6594.27] }, { x: new Date(1538870400000), y: [6596.44, 6601, 6590, 6596.55] }, { x: new Date(1538872200000), y: [6598.91, 6605, 6596.61, 6600.02] }, { x: new Date(1538874000000), y: [6600.55, 6605, 6589.14, 6593.01] }, { x: new Date(1538875800000), y: [6593.15, 6605, 6592, 6603.06] }, ] }], title: { text: 'CandleStick Chart', align: 'left' }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime' }, yaxis: { tooltip: { enabled: true } } } var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#apex-candlestick-chart"), options ); chart.render(); } if (jQuery('#apex-bubble-chart').length) { function generateData(baseval, count, yrange) { var i = 0; var series = []; while (i < count) { var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (yrange.max - yrange.min + 1)) + yrange.min; var z = Math.floor(Math.random() * (75 - 15 + 1)) + 15; series.push([baseval, y, z]); baseval += 86400000; i++; } return series; } var options = { chart: { height: 350, type: 'bubble', }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: 'Product1', data: generateData(new Date('11 Feb 2017 GMT').getTime(), 20, { min: 10, max: 40 }) }, { name: 'Product2', data: generateData(new Date('11 Feb 2017 GMT').getTime(), 20, { min: 10, max: 40 }) }, { name: 'Product3', data: generateData(new Date('11 Feb 2017 GMT').getTime(), 20, { min: 10, max: 40 }) }], fill: { type: 'gradient', }, colors: ['#f15773', '#4F6272', '#e64141'], title: { text: '3D Bubble Chart' }, xaxis: { tickAmount: 12, type: 'datetime', labels: { rotate: 0, } }, yaxis: { max: 40 }, theme: { palette: 'palette2' } } var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#apex-bubble-chart"), options ); chart.render(); } if (jQuery('#apex-scatter-chart').length) { var options = { chart: { height: 350, type: 'scatter', zoom: { enabled: true, type: 'xy' } }, colors: ['#f15773', '#4F6272', '#00d0ff'], series: [{ name: "SAMPLE A", data: [ [16.4, 5.4], [21.7, 2], [10.9, 0], [10.9, 8.2], [16.4, 0], [16.4, 1.8], [13.6, 0.3], [13.6, 0], [29.9, 0], [27.1, 2.3], [16.4, 0], [13.6, 3.7], [10.9, 5.2], [16.4, 6.5], [10.9, 0], [24.5, 7.1], [10.9, 0], [8.1, 4.7] ] }, { name: "SAMPLE B", data: [ [36.4, 13.4], [1.7, 11], [1.9, 9], [1.9, 13.2], [1.4, 7], [6.4, 8.8], [3.6, 4.3], [1.6, 10], [9.9, 2], [7.1, 15], [1.4, 0], [3.6, 13.7], [1.9, 15.2], [6.4, 16.5], [0.9, 10], [4.5, 17.1], [10.9, 10], [0.1, 14.7] ] }, { name: "SAMPLE C", data: [ [21.7, 3], [23.6, 3.5], [28, 4], [27.1, 0.3], [16.4, 4], [13.6, 0], [19, 5], [22.4, 3], [24.5, 3], [32.6, 3], [27.1, 4], [29.6, 6], [31.6, 8], [21.6, 5], [20.9, 4], [22.4, 0], [32.6, 10.3], [29.7, 20.8] ] }], xaxis: { tickAmount: 5, labels: { formatter: function(val) { return parseFloat(val).toFixed(1) } } }, yaxis: { tickAmount: 5 } } var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#apex-scatter-chart"), options ); chart.render(); } if (jQuery('#apex-radialbar-chart').length) { var options = { chart: { height: 350, type: 'radialBar', }, plotOptions: { radialBar: { dataLabels: { name: { fontSize: '22px', }, value: { fontSize: '16px', }, total: { show: true, label: 'Total', formatter: function(w) { // By default this function returns the average of all series. The below is just an example to show the use of custom formatter function return 249 } } } } }, series: [44, 55, 67, 83], labels: ['Apples', 'Oranges', 'Bananas', 'Berries'], colors: ['#f15773', '#4F6272', '#e64141', '#ffd400'], } var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#apex-radialbar-chart"), options ); chart.render(); } if (jQuery('#apex-pie-chart').length) { var options = { chart: { width: 380, type: 'pie', }, labels: ['Team A', 'Team B', 'Team C', 'Team D', 'Team E'], series: [44, 55, 13, 43, 22], colors: ['#f15773', '#4F6272', '#e64141', '#ffd400', '#00d0ff'], responsive: [{ breakpoint: 480, options: { chart: { width: 200 }, legend: { position: 'bottom' } } }] } var chart = new ApexCharts( document.querySelector("#apex-pie-chart"), options ); chart.render(); } // Am Charts if (jQuery('#am-simple-chart').length) { am4core.ready(function() { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end // Create chart instance var chart = am4core.create("am-simple-chart", am4charts.XYChart); chart.colors.list = [am4core.color("#f15773"), ]; // Add data = [{ "country": "USA", "visits": 2025 }, { "country": "China", "visits": 1882 }, { "country": "Japan", "visits": 1809 }, { "country": "Germany", "visits": 1322 }, { "country": "UK", "visits": 1122 }, { "country": "France", "visits": 1114 }]; // Create axes var categoryAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis()); categoryAxis.dataFields.category = "country"; categoryAxis.renderer.grid.template.location = 0; categoryAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 30; categoryAxis.renderer.labels.template.adapter.add("dy", function(dy, target) { if (target.dataItem && target.dataItem.index & 2 == 2) { return dy + 25; } return dy; }); var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis()); // Create series var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.ColumnSeries()); series.dataFields.valueY = "visits"; series.dataFields.categoryX = "country"; = "Visits"; series.columns.template.tooltipText = "{categoryX}: [bold]{valueY}[/]"; series.columns.template.fillOpacity = .8; var columnTemplate = series.columns.template; columnTemplate.strokeWidth = 2; columnTemplate.strokeOpacity = 1; }); // end am4core.ready() } if (jQuery('#am-columnlinr-chart').length) { am4core.ready(function() { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end // Create chart instance var chart = am4core.create("am-columnlinr-chart", am4charts.XYChart); chart.colors.list = [am4core.color("#f15773"), ]; // Export = new am4core.ExportMenu(); // Data for both series var data = [{ "year": "2009", "income": 23.5, "expenses": 21.1 }, { "year": "2010", "income": 26.2, "expenses": 30.5 }, { "year": "2011", "income": 30.1, "expenses": 34.9 }, { "year": "2012", "income": 29.5, "expenses": 31.1 }, { "year": "2013", "income": 30.6, "expenses": 28.2, "lineDash": "5,5", }, { "year": "2014", "income": 34.1, "expenses": 32.9, "strokeWidth": 1, "columnDash": "5,5", "fillOpacity": 0.2, "additional": "(projection)" }]; /* Create axes */ var categoryAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis()); categoryAxis.dataFields.category = "year"; categoryAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 30; /* Create value axis */ var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis()); /* Create series */ var columnSeries = chart.series.push(new am4charts.ColumnSeries()); = "Income"; columnSeries.dataFields.valueY = "income"; columnSeries.dataFields.categoryX = "year"; columnSeries.columns.template.tooltipText = "[#fff font-size: 15px]{name} in {categoryX}:\n[/][#fff font-size: 20px]{valueY}[/] [#fff]{additional}[/]" columnSeries.columns.template.propertyFields.fillOpacity = "fillOpacity"; columnSeries.columns.template.propertyFields.stroke = "stroke"; columnSeries.columns.template.propertyFields.strokeWidth = "strokeWidth"; columnSeries.columns.template.propertyFields.strokeDasharray = "columnDash"; columnSeries.tooltip.label.textAlign = "middle"; var lineSeries = chart.series.push(new am4charts.LineSeries()); = "Expenses"; lineSeries.dataFields.valueY = "expenses"; lineSeries.dataFields.categoryX = "year"; lineSeries.stroke = am4core.color("#f15773"); lineSeries.strokeWidth = 3; lineSeries.propertyFields.strokeDasharray = "lineDash"; lineSeries.tooltip.label.textAlign = "middle"; var bullet = lineSeries.bullets.push(new am4charts.Bullet()); bullet.fill = am4core.color("#fdd400"); // tooltips grab fill from parent by default bullet.tooltipText = "[#fff font-size: 15px]{name} in {categoryX}:\n[/][#fff font-size: 20px]{valueY}[/] [#fff]{additional}[/]" var circle = bullet.createChild(am4core.Circle); circle.radius = 4; circle.fill = am4core.color("#fff"); circle.strokeWidth = 3; = data; }); } if (jQuery('#am-stackedcolumn-chart').length) { am4core.ready(function() { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end // Create chart instance var chart = am4core.create("am-stackedcolumn-chart", am4charts.XYChart); chart.colors.list = [am4core.color("#e64141"), am4core.color("#4F6272"), am4core.color("#ffd400") ]; // Add data = [{ "year": "2016", "europe": 2.5, "namerica": 2.5, "asia": 2.1, "lamerica": 0.3, "meast": 0.2 }, { "year": "2017", "europe": 2.6, "namerica": 2.7, "asia": 2.2, "lamerica": 0.3, "meast": 0.3 }, { "year": "2018", "europe": 2.8, "namerica": 2.9, "asia": 2.4, "lamerica": 0.3, "meast": 0.3 }]; // Create axes var categoryAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis()); categoryAxis.dataFields.category = "year"; categoryAxis.renderer.grid.template.location = 0; var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis()); valueAxis.renderer.inside = true; valueAxis.renderer.labels.template.disabled = true; valueAxis.min = 0; // Create series function createSeries(field, name) { // Set up series var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.ColumnSeries()); = name; series.dataFields.valueY = field; series.dataFields.categoryX = "year"; series.sequencedInterpolation = true; // Make it stacked series.stacked = true; // Configure columns series.columns.template.width = am4core.percent(60); series.columns.template.tooltipText = "[bold]{name}[/]\n[font-size:14px]{categoryX}: {valueY}"; // Add label var labelBullet = series.bullets.push(new am4charts.LabelBullet()); labelBullet.label.text = "{valueY}"; labelBullet.locationY = 0.5; return series; } createSeries("europe", "Europe"); createSeries("namerica", "North America"); createSeries("asia", "Asia-Pacific"); // Legend chart.legend = new am4charts.Legend(); }); // end am4core.ready() } if (jQuery('#am-barline-chart').length) { am4core.ready(function() { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end var chart = am4core.create("am-barline-chart", am4charts.XYChart); chart.colors.list = [am4core.color("#f15773"), am4core.color("#4F6272") ]; = [{ "year": "2005", "income": 23.5, "expenses": 18.1 }, { "year": "2006", "income": 26.2, "expenses": 22.8 }, { "year": "2007", "income": 30.1, "expenses": 23.9 }, { "year": "2008", "income": 29.5, "expenses": 25.1 }, { "year": "2009", "income": 24.6, "expenses": 25 }]; //create category axis for years var categoryAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis()); categoryAxis.dataFields.category = "year"; categoryAxis.renderer.inversed = true; categoryAxis.renderer.grid.template.location = 0; //create value axis for income and expenses var valueAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis()); valueAxis.renderer.opposite = true; //create columns var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.ColumnSeries()); series.dataFields.categoryY = "year"; series.dataFields.valueX = "income"; = "Income"; series.columns.template.fillOpacity = 0.5; series.columns.template.strokeOpacity = 0; series.tooltipText = "Income in {categoryY}: {valueX.value}"; //create line var lineSeries = chart.series.push(new am4charts.LineSeries()); lineSeries.dataFields.categoryY = "year"; lineSeries.dataFields.valueX = "expenses"; = "Expenses"; lineSeries.strokeWidth = 3; lineSeries.tooltipText = "Expenses in {categoryY}: {valueX.value}"; //add bullets var circleBullet = lineSeries.bullets.push(new am4charts.CircleBullet()); = am4core.color("#fff"); = 2; //add chart cursor chart.cursor = new am4charts.XYCursor(); chart.cursor.behavior = "zoomY"; //add legend chart.legend = new am4charts.Legend(); }); // end am4core.ready() } if (jQuery('#am-datedata-chart').length) { am4core.ready(function() { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end // Create chart instance var chart = am4core.create("am-datedata-chart", am4charts.XYChart); chart.colors.list = [am4core.color("#f15773")]; // Add data = [{ "date": "2012-07-27", "value": 13 }, { "date": "2012-07-28", "value": 11 }, { "date": "2012-07-29", "value": 15 }, { "date": "2012-07-30", "value": 16 }, { "date": "2012-07-31", "value": 18 }, { "date": "2012-08-01", "value": 13 }, { "date": "2012-08-02", "value": 22 }, { "date": "2012-08-03", "value": 23 }, { "date": "2012-08-04", "value": 20 }, { "date": "2012-08-05", "value": 17 }, { "date": "2012-08-06", "value": 16 }, { "date": "2012-08-07", "value": 18 }, { "date": "2012-08-08", "value": 21 }, { "date": "2012-08-09", "value": 26 }, { "date": "2012-08-10", "value": 24 }, { "date": "2012-08-11", "value": 29 }, { "date": "2012-08-12", "value": 32 }, { "date": "2012-08-13", "value": 18 }, { "date": "2012-08-14", "value": 24 }, { "date": "2012-08-15", "value": 22 }, { "date": "2012-08-16", "value": 18 }, { "date": "2012-08-17", "value": 19 }, { "date": "2012-08-18", "value": 14 }, { "date": "2012-08-19", "value": 15 }, { "date": "2012-08-20", "value": 12 }, { "date": "2012-08-21", "value": 8 }, { "date": "2012-08-22", "value": 9 }, { "date": "2012-08-23", "value": 8 }, { "date": "2012-08-24", "value": 7 }, { "date": "2012-08-25", "value": 5 }, { "date": "2012-08-26", "value": 11 }, { "date": "2012-08-27", "value": 13 }, { "date": "2012-08-28", "value": 18 }, { "date": "2012-08-29", "value": 20 }, { "date": "2012-08-30", "value": 29 }, { "date": "2012-08-31", "value": 33 }, { "date": "2012-09-01", "value": 42 }, { "date": "2012-09-02", "value": 35 }, { "date": "2012-09-03", "value": 31 }, { "date": "2012-09-04", "value": 47 }, { "date": "2012-09-05", "value": 52 }, { "date": "2012-09-06", "value": 46 }, { "date": "2012-09-07", "value": 41 }, { "date": "2012-09-08", "value": 43 }, { "date": "2012-09-09", "value": 40 }, { "date": "2012-09-10", "value": 39 }, { "date": "2012-09-11", "value": 34 }, { "date": "2012-09-12", "value": 29 }, { "date": "2012-09-13", "value": 34 }, { "date": "2012-09-14", "value": 37 }, { "date": "2012-09-15", "value": 42 }, { "date": "2012-09-16", "value": 49 }, { "date": "2012-09-17", "value": 46 }, { "date": "2012-09-18", "value": 47 }, { "date": "2012-09-19", "value": 55 }, { "date": "2012-09-20", "value": 59 }, { "date": "2012-09-21", "value": 58 }, { "date": "2012-09-22", "value": 57 }, { "date": "2012-09-23", "value": 61 }, { "date": "2012-09-24", "value": 59 }, { "date": "2012-09-25", "value": 67 }, { "date": "2012-09-26", "value": 65 }, { "date": "2012-09-27", "value": 61 }, { "date": "2012-09-28", "value": 66 }, { "date": "2012-09-29", "value": 69 }, { "date": "2012-09-30", "value": 71 }, { "date": "2012-10-01", "value": 67 }, { "date": "2012-10-02", "value": 63 }, { "date": "2012-10-03", "value": 46 }, { "date": "2012-10-04", "value": 32 }, { "date": "2012-10-05", "value": 21 }, { "date": "2012-10-06", "value": 18 }, { "date": "2012-10-07", "value": 21 }, { "date": "2012-10-08", "value": 28 }, { "date": "2012-10-09", "value": 27 }, { "date": "2012-10-10", "value": 36 }, { "date": "2012-10-11", "value": 33 }, { "date": "2012-10-12", "value": 31 }, { "date": "2012-10-13", "value": 30 }, { "date": "2012-10-14", "value": 34 }, { "date": "2012-10-15", "value": 38 }, { "date": "2012-10-16", "value": 37 }, { "date": "2012-10-17", "value": 44 }, { "date": "2012-10-18", "value": 49 }, { "date": "2012-10-19", "value": 53 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"2012-11-14", "value": 81 }, { "date": "2012-11-15", "value": 87 }, { "date": "2012-11-16", "value": 82 }, { "date": "2012-11-17", "value": 86 }, { "date": "2012-11-18", "value": 80 }, { "date": "2012-11-19", "value": 87 }, { "date": "2012-11-20", "value": 83 }, { "date": "2012-11-21", "value": 85 }, { "date": "2012-11-22", "value": 84 }, { "date": "2012-11-23", "value": 82 }, { "date": "2012-11-24", "value": 73 }, { "date": "2012-11-25", "value": 71 }, { "date": "2012-11-26", "value": 75 }, { "date": "2012-11-27", "value": 79 }, { "date": "2012-11-28", "value": 70 }, { "date": "2012-11-29", "value": 73 }, { "date": "2012-11-30", "value": 61 }, { "date": "2012-12-01", "value": 62 }, { "date": "2012-12-02", "value": 66 }, { "date": "2012-12-03", "value": 65 }, { "date": "2012-12-04", "value": 73 }, { "date": "2012-12-05", "value": 79 }, { "date": "2012-12-06", "value": 78 }, { "date": "2012-12-07", "value": 78 }, { "date": "2012-12-08", "value": 78 }, { "date": "2012-12-09", "value": 74 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"2013-01-04", "value": 66 }, { "date": "2013-01-05", "value": 60 }, { "date": "2013-01-06", "value": 63 }, { "date": "2013-01-07", "value": 61 }, { "date": "2013-01-08", "value": 60 }, { "date": "2013-01-09", "value": 65 }, { "date": "2013-01-10", "value": 75 }, { "date": "2013-01-11", "value": 77 }, { "date": "2013-01-12", "value": 78 }, { "date": "2013-01-13", "value": 70 }, { "date": "2013-01-14", "value": 70 }, { "date": "2013-01-15", "value": 73 }, { "date": "2013-01-16", "value": 71 }, { "date": "2013-01-17", "value": 74 }, { "date": "2013-01-18", "value": 78 }, { "date": "2013-01-19", "value": 85 }, { "date": "2013-01-20", "value": 82 }, { "date": "2013-01-21", "value": 83 }, { "date": "2013-01-22", "value": 88 }, { "date": "2013-01-23", "value": 85 }, { "date": "2013-01-24", "value": 85 }, { "date": "2013-01-25", "value": 80 }, { "date": "2013-01-26", "value": 87 }, { "date": "2013-01-27", "value": 84 }, { "date": "2013-01-28", "value": 83 }, { "date": "2013-01-29", "value": 84 }, { "date": "2013-01-30", "value": 81 }]; // Set input format for the dates chart.dateFormatter.inputDateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; // Create axes var dateAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.DateAxis()); var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis()); // Create series var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.LineSeries()); series.dataFields.valueY = "value"; series.dataFields.dateX = "date"; series.tooltipText = "{value}" series.strokeWidth = 2; series.minBulletDistance = 15; // Drop-shaped tooltips series.tooltip.background.cornerRadius = 20; series.tooltip.background.strokeOpacity = 0; series.tooltip.pointerOrientation = "vertical"; series.tooltip.label.minWidth = 40; series.tooltip.label.minHeight = 40; series.tooltip.label.textAlign = "middle"; series.tooltip.label.textValign = "middle"; // Make bullets grow on hover var bullet = series.bullets.push(new am4charts.CircleBullet()); = 2; = 4; = am4core.color("#fff"); var bullethover = bullet.states.create("hover"); = 1.3; // Make a panning cursor chart.cursor = new am4charts.XYCursor(); chart.cursor.behavior = "panXY"; chart.cursor.xAxis = dateAxis; chart.cursor.snapToSeries = series; // Create vertical scrollbar and place it before the value axis chart.scrollbarY = new am4core.Scrollbar(); chart.scrollbarY.parent = chart.leftAxesContainer; chart.scrollbarY.toBack(); // Create a horizontal scrollbar with previe and place it underneath the date axis chart.scrollbarX = new am4charts.XYChartScrollbar(); chart.scrollbarX.series.push(series); chart.scrollbarX.parent = chart.bottomAxesContainer; dateAxis.start = 0.79; dateAxis.keepSelection = true; }); // end am4core.ready() } if (jQuery('#am-linescrollzomm-chart').length) { am4core.ready(function() { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end // Create chart instance var chart = am4core.create("am-linescrollzomm-chart", am4charts.XYChart); chart.colors.list = [am4core.color("#f15773")]; // Add data = generateChartData(); // Create axes var dateAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.DateAxis()); dateAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 50; var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis()); // Create series var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.LineSeries()); series.dataFields.valueY = "visits"; series.dataFields.dateX = "date"; series.strokeWidth = 2; series.minBulletDistance = 10; series.tooltipText = "{valueY}"; series.tooltip.pointerOrientation = "vertical"; series.tooltip.background.cornerRadius = 20; series.tooltip.background.fillOpacity = 0.5; series.tooltip.label.padding(12, 12, 12, 12) // Add scrollbar chart.scrollbarX = new am4charts.XYChartScrollbar(); chart.scrollbarX.series.push(series); // Add cursor chart.cursor = new am4charts.XYCursor(); chart.cursor.xAxis = dateAxis; chart.cursor.snapToSeries = series; function generateChartData() { var chartData = []; var firstDate = new Date(); firstDate.setDate(firstDate.getDate() - 1000); var visits = 1200; for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) { var newDate = new Date(firstDate); newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + i); visits += Math.round((Math.random() < 0.5 ? 1 : -1) * Math.random() * 10); chartData.push({ date: newDate, visits: visits }); } return chartData; } }); } if (jQuery('#am-zoomable-chart').length) { am4core.ready(function() { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end // Create chart instance var chart = am4core.create("am-zoomable-chart", am4charts.XYChart); chart.colors.list = [am4core.color("#f15773")]; // Add data = [{ "date": "2012-07-27", "value": 13 }, { "date": "2012-07-28", "value": 11 }, { "date": "2012-07-29", "value": 15 }, { "date": "2012-07-30", "value": 16 }, { "date": "2012-07-31", "value": 18 }, { "date": "2012-08-01", "value": 13 }, { "date": "2012-08-02", "value": 22 }, { "date": "2012-08-03", "value": 23 }, { "date": "2012-08-04", "value": 20 }, { "date": "2012-08-05", "value": 17 }, { "date": "2012-08-06", "value": 16 }, { "date": "2012-08-07", "value": 18 }, { "date": "2012-08-08", "value": 21 }, { "date": "2012-08-09", "value": 26 }, { "date": "2012-08-10", "value": 24 }, { "date": "2012-08-11", "value": 29 }, { "date": "2012-08-12", "value": 32 }, { "date": "2012-08-13", "value": 18 }, { "date": "2012-08-14", "value": 24 }, { "date": "2012-08-15", "value": 22 }, { "date": "2012-08-16", "value": 18 }, { "date": "2012-08-17", "value": 19 }, { "date": "2012-08-18", "value": 14 }, { "date": "2012-08-19", "value": 15 }, { "date": "2012-08-20", "value": 12 }, { "date": "2012-08-21", "value": 8 }, { "date": "2012-08-22", "value": 9 }, { "date": "2012-08-23", "value": 8 }, { "date": "2012-08-24", "value": 7 }, { "date": "2012-08-25", "value": 5 }, { "date": "2012-08-26", "value": 11 }, { "date": "2012-08-27", "value": 13 }, { "date": "2012-08-28", "value": 18 }, { "date": "2012-08-29", "value": 20 }, { "date": "2012-08-30", "value": 29 }, { "date": "2012-08-31", "value": 33 }, { "date": "2012-09-01", "value": 42 }, { "date": "2012-09-02", "value": 35 }, { "date": "2012-09-03", "value": 31 }, { "date": "2012-09-04", "value": 47 }, { "date": "2012-09-05", "value": 52 }, { "date": "2012-09-06", "value": 46 }, { "date": "2012-09-07", "value": 41 }, { "date": "2012-09-08", "value": 43 }, { "date": "2012-09-09", "value": 40 }, { "date": "2012-09-10", "value": 39 }, { "date": "2012-09-11", "value": 34 }, { "date": "2012-09-12", "value": 29 }, { "date": "2012-09-13", "value": 34 }, { "date": "2012-09-14", "value": 37 }, { "date": "2012-09-15", "value": 42 }, { "date": "2012-09-16", "value": 49 }, { "date": "2012-09-17", "value": 46 }, { "date": "2012-09-18", "value": 47 }, { "date": "2012-09-19", "value": 55 }, { "date": "2012-09-20", "value": 59 }, { "date": "2012-09-21", "value": 58 }, { "date": "2012-09-22", "value": 57 }, { "date": "2012-09-23", "value": 61 }, { "date": "2012-09-24", "value": 59 }, { "date": "2012-09-25", "value": 67 }, { "date": "2012-09-26", "value": 65 }, { "date": "2012-09-27", "value": 61 }, { "date": "2012-09-28", "value": 66 }, { "date": "2012-09-29", "value": 69 }, { "date": "2012-09-30", "value": 71 }, { "date": "2012-10-01", "value": 67 }, { "date": "2012-10-02", "value": 63 }, { "date": "2012-10-03", "value": 46 }, { "date": "2012-10-04", "value": 32 }, { "date": "2012-10-05", "value": 21 }, { "date": "2012-10-06", "value": 18 }, { "date": "2012-10-07", "value": 21 }, { "date": "2012-10-08", "value": 28 }, { "date": "2012-10-09", "value": 27 }, { "date": "2012-10-10", "value": 36 }, { "date": "2012-10-11", "value": 33 }, { "date": "2012-10-12", "value": 31 }, { "date": "2012-10-13", "value": 30 }, { "date": "2012-10-14", "value": 34 }, { "date": "2012-10-15", "value": 38 }, { "date": "2012-10-16", "value": 37 }, { "date": "2012-10-17", "value": 44 }, { "date": "2012-10-18", "value": 49 }, { "date": "2012-10-19", "value": 53 }, { "date": "2012-10-20", "value": 57 }, { "date": "2012-10-21", "value": 60 }, { "date": "2012-10-22", "value": 61 }, { "date": "2012-10-23", "value": 69 }, { "date": "2012-10-24", "value": 67 }, { "date": "2012-10-25", "value": 72 }, { "date": "2012-10-26", "value": 77 }, { "date": "2012-10-27", "value": 75 }, { "date": "2012-10-28", "value": 70 }, { "date": "2012-10-29", "value": 72 }, { "date": "2012-10-30", "value": 70 }, { "date": "2012-10-31", "value": 72 }, { "date": "2012-11-01", "value": 73 }, { "date": "2012-11-02", "value": 67 }, { "date": "2012-11-03", "value": 68 }, { "date": "2012-11-04", "value": 65 }, { "date": "2012-11-05", "value": 71 }, { "date": "2012-11-06", "value": 75 }, { "date": "2012-11-07", "value": 74 }, { "date": "2012-11-08", "value": 71 }, { "date": "2012-11-09", "value": 76 }, { "date": "2012-11-10", "value": 77 }, { "date": "2012-11-11", "value": 81 }, { "date": "2012-11-12", "value": 83 }, { "date": "2012-11-13", "value": 80 }, { "date": "2012-11-18", "value": 80 }, { "date": "2012-11-19", "value": 87 }, { "date": "2012-11-20", "value": 83 }, { "date": "2012-11-21", "value": 85 }, { "date": "2012-11-22", "value": 84 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"2012-12-18", "value": 59 }, { "date": "2012-12-19", "value": 53 }, { "date": "2012-12-20", "value": 54 }, { "date": "2012-12-21", "value": 56 }, { "date": "2012-12-22", "value": 59 }, { "date": "2012-12-23", "value": 58 }, { "date": "2012-12-24", "value": 55 }, { "date": "2012-12-25", "value": 52 }, { "date": "2012-12-26", "value": 54 }, { "date": "2012-12-27", "value": 50 }, { "date": "2012-12-28", "value": 50 }, { "date": "2012-12-29", "value": 51 }, { "date": "2012-12-30", "value": 52 }, { "date": "2012-12-31", "value": 58 }, { "date": "2013-01-01", "value": 60 }, { "date": "2013-01-02", "value": 67 }, { "date": "2013-01-03", "value": 64 }, { "date": "2013-01-04", "value": 66 }, { "date": "2013-01-05", "value": 60 }, { "date": "2013-01-06", "value": 63 }, { "date": "2013-01-07", "value": 61 }, { "date": "2013-01-08", "value": 60 }, { "date": "2013-01-09", "value": 65 }, { "date": "2013-01-10", "value": 75 }, { "date": "2013-01-11", "value": 77 }, { "date": "2013-01-12", "value": 78 }, { "date": "2013-01-13", "value": 70 }, { "date": "2013-01-14", "value": 70 }, { "date": "2013-01-15", "value": 73 }, { "date": "2013-01-16", "value": 71 }, { "date": "2013-01-17", "value": 74 }, { "date": "2013-01-18", "value": 78 }, { "date": "2013-01-19", "value": 85 }, { "date": "2013-01-20", "value": 82 }, { "date": "2013-01-21", "value": 83 }, { "date": "2013-01-22", "value": 88 }, { "date": "2013-01-23", "value": 85 }, { "date": "2013-01-24", "value": 85 }, { "date": "2013-01-25", "value": 80 }, { "date": "2013-01-26", "value": 87 }, { "date": "2013-01-27", "value": 84 }, { "date": "2013-01-28", "value": 83 }, { "date": "2013-01-29", "value": 84 }, { "date": "2013-01-30", "value": 81 }]; // Create axes var dateAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.DateAxis()); dateAxis.renderer.grid.template.location = 0; dateAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 50; var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis()); // Create series var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.LineSeries()); series.dataFields.valueY = "value"; series.dataFields.dateX = "date"; series.strokeWidth = 3; series.fillOpacity = 0.5; // Add vertical scrollbar chart.scrollbarY = new am4core.Scrollbar(); chart.scrollbarY.marginLeft = 0; // Add cursor chart.cursor = new am4charts.XYCursor(); chart.cursor.behavior = "zoomY"; chart.cursor.lineX.disabled = true; }); // end am4core.ready() } if (jQuery('#am-radar-chart').length) { am4core.ready(function() { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end /* Create chart instance */ var chart = am4core.create("am-radar-chart", am4charts.RadarChart); chart.colors.list = [am4core.color("#f15773")]; /* Add data */ = [{ "country": "Lithuania", "litres": 501 }, { "country": "Czechia", "litres": 301 }, { "country": "Ireland", "litres": 266 }, { "country": "Germany", "litres": 165 }, { "country": "Australia", "litres": 139 }, { "country": "Austria", "litres": 336 }, { "country": "UK", "litres": 290 }, { "country": "Belgium", "litres": 325 }, { "country": "The Netherlands", "litres": 40 }]; /* Create axes */ var categoryAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis()); categoryAxis.dataFields.category = "country"; var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis()); valueAxis.renderer.axisFills.template.fill = chart.colors.getIndex(2); valueAxis.renderer.axisFills.template.fillOpacity = 0.05; /* Create and configure series */ var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.RadarSeries()); series.dataFields.valueY = "litres"; series.dataFields.categoryX = "country"; = "Sales"; series.strokeWidth = 3; }); // end am4core.ready() } if (jQuery('#am-polar-chart').length) { am4core.ready(function() { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end /* Create chart instance */ var chart = am4core.create("am-polar-chart", am4charts.RadarChart); /* Add data */ = [{ "direction": "N", "value": 8 }, { "direction": "NE", "value": 9 }, { "direction": "E", "value": 4.5 }, { "direction": "SE", "value": 3.5 }, { "direction": "S", "value": 9.2 }, { "direction": "SW", "value": 8.4 }, { "direction": "W", "value": 11.1 }, { "direction": "NW", "value": 10 }]; /* Create axes */ var categoryAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis()); categoryAxis.dataFields.category = "direction"; var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis()); //valueAxis.renderer.gridType = "polygons"; var range = categoryAxis.axisRanges.create(); range.category = "NW"; range.endCategory = "NW"; range.axisFill.fill = am4core.color("#f15773"); range.axisFill.fillOpacity = 0.3; var range2 = categoryAxis.axisRanges.create(); range2.category = "N"; range2.endCategory = "N"; range2.axisFill.fill = am4core.color("#e64141"); range2.axisFill.fillOpacity = 0.3; var range3 = categoryAxis.axisRanges.create(); range3.category = "SE"; range3.endCategory = "SW"; range3.axisFill.fill = am4core.color("#4F6272"); range3.axisFill.fillOpacity = 0.3; range3.locations.endCategory = 0; /* Create and configure series */ var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.RadarSeries()); series.dataFields.valueY = "value"; series.dataFields.categoryX = "direction"; = "Wind direction"; series.strokeWidth = 3; series.fillOpacity = 0.2; }); // end am4core.ready() } if (jQuery('#am-polarscatter-chart').length) { am4core.ready(function() { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end /* Create chart instance */ var chart = am4core.create("am-polarscatter-chart", am4charts.RadarChart); chart.colors.list = [am4core.color("#f15773"), am4core.color("#ffd400"), am4core.color("#4F6272")]; /* Add data */ = [{ "country": "Lithuania", "litres": 501, "units": 250 }, { "country": "Czech Republic", "litres": 301, "units": 222 }, { "country": "Ireland", "litres": 266, "units": 179 }, { "country": "Germany", "litres": 165, "units": 298 }, { "country": "Australia", "litres": 139, "units": 299 }]; /* Create axes */ var xAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis()); xAxis.renderer.maxLabelPosition = 0.99; var yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis()); yAxis.renderer.labels.template.verticalCenter = "bottom"; yAxis.renderer.labels.template.horizontalCenter = "right"; yAxis.renderer.maxLabelPosition = 0.99; yAxis.renderer.labels.template.paddingBottom = 1; yAxis.renderer.labels.template.paddingRight = 3; /* Create and configure series */ var series1 = chart.series.push(new am4charts.RadarSeries()); series1.bullets.push(new am4charts.CircleBullet()); series1.strokeOpacity = 0; series1.dataFields.valueX = "x"; series1.dataFields.valueY = "y"; = "Series #1"; series1.sequencedInterpolation = true; series1.sequencedInterpolationDelay = 10; = [{ "x": 83, "y": 5.1 }, { "x": 44, "y": 5.8 }, { "x": 76, "y": 9 }, { "x": 2, "y": 1.4 }, { "x": 100, "y": 8.3 }, { "x": 96, "y": 1.7 }, { "x": 68, "y": 3.9 }, { "x": 0, "y": 3 }, { "x": 100, "y": 4.1 }, { "x": 16, "y": 5.5 }, { "x": 71, "y": 6.8 }, { "x": 100, "y": 7.9 }, { "x": 35, "y": 8 }, { "x": 44, "y": 6 }, { "x": 64, "y": 0.7 }, { "x": 53, "y": 3.3 }, { "x": 92, "y": 4.1 }, { "x": 43, "y": 7.3 }, { "x": 15, "y": 7.5 }, { "x": 43, "y": 4.3 }, { "x": 90, "y": 9.9 }]; var series2 = chart.series.push(new am4charts.RadarSeries()); series2.bullets.push(new am4charts.CircleBullet()); series2.strokeOpacity = 0; series2.dataFields.valueX = "x"; series2.dataFields.valueY = "y"; = "Series #2"; series2.sequencedInterpolation = true; series2.sequencedInterpolationDelay = 10; = [{ "x": 178, "y": 1.3 }, { "x": 129, "y": 3.4 }, { "x": 99, "y": 2.4 }, { "x": 80, "y": 9.9 }, { "x": 118, "y": 9.4 }, { "x": 103, "y": 8.7 }, { "x": 91, "y": 4.2 }, { "x": 151, "y": 1.2 }, { "x": 168, "y": 5.2 }, { "x": 168, "y": 1.6 }, { "x": 152, "y": 1.2 }, { "x": 138, "y": 7.7 }, { "x": 107, "y": 3.9 }, { "x": 124, "y": 0.7 }, { "x": 130, "y": 2.6 }, { "x": 86, "y": 9.2 }, { "x": 169, "y": 7.5 }, { "x": 122, "y": 9.9 }, { "x": 100, "y": 3.8 }, { "x": 172, "y": 4.1 }, { "x": 140, "y": 7.3 }, { "x": 161, "y": 2.3 }, { "x": 141, "y": 0.9 }]; var series3 = chart.series.push(new am4charts.RadarSeries()); series3.bullets.push(new am4charts.CircleBullet()); series3.strokeOpacity = 0; series3.dataFields.valueX = "x"; series3.dataFields.valueY = "y"; = "Series #3"; series3.sequencedInterpolation = true; series3.sequencedInterpolationDelay = 10; = [{ "x": 419, "y": 4.9 }, { "x": 417, "y": 5.5 }, { "x": 434, "y": 0.1 }, { "x": 344, "y": 2.5 }, { "x": 279, "y": 7.5 }, { "x": 307, "y": 8.4 }, { "x": 279, "y": 9 }, { "x": 220, "y": 8.4 }, { "x": 201, "y": 9.7 }, { "x": 288, "y": 1.2 }, { "x": 333, "y": 7.4 }, { "x": 308, "y": 1.9 }, { "x": 330, "y": 8 }, { "x": 408, "y": 1.7 }, { "x": 274, "y": 0.8 }, { "x": 296, "y": 3.1 }, { "x": 279, "y": 4.3 }, { "x": 379, "y": 5.6 }, { "x": 175, "y": 6.8 }]; /* Add legend */ chart.legend = new am4charts.Legend(); /* Add cursor */ chart.cursor = new am4charts.RadarCursor(); }); // end am4core.ready() } if (jQuery('#am-3dpie-chart').length) { am4core.ready(function() { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end var chart = am4core.create("am-3dpie-chart", am4charts.PieChart3D); = 0; // this creates initial fade-in chart.legend = new am4charts.Legend(); = [{ country: "Lithuania", litres: 501.9, fill: "red" }, { country: "Germany", litres: 165.8 }, { country: "Australia", litres: 139.9 }, { country: "Austria", litres: 128.3 }, { country: "UK", litres: 99 }, { country: "Belgium", litres: 60 }]; var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.PieSeries3D()); series.colors.list = [am4core.color("#f15773"), am4core.color("#4F6272"), am4core.color("#e64141"), am4core.color("#ffd400"), am4core.color("#00d0ff"), am4core.color("#374948") ]; series.dataFields.value = "litres"; series.dataFields.category = "country"; }); // end am4core.ready() } if (jQuery('#am-layeredcolumn-chart').length) { am4core.ready(function() { // Themes begin am4core.useTheme(am4themes_animated); // Themes end // Create chart instance var chart = am4core.create("am-layeredcolumn-chart", am4charts.XYChart); chart.colors.list = [am4core.color("#4F6272"), am4core.color("#f15773")]; // Add percent sign to all numbers chart.numberFormatter.numberFormat = "#.#'%'"; // Add data = [{ "country": "USA", "year2004": 3.5, "year2005": 4.2 }, { "country": "UK", "year2004": 1.7, "year2005": 3.1 }, { "country": "Canada", "year2004": 2.8, "year2005": 2.9 }, { "country": "Japan", "year2004": 2.6, "year2005": 2.3 }, { "country": "France", "year2004": 1.4, "year2005": 2.1 }, { "country": "Brazil", "year2004": 2.6, "year2005": 4.9 }]; // Create axes var categoryAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis()); categoryAxis.dataFields.category = "country"; categoryAxis.renderer.grid.template.location = 0; categoryAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 30; var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis()); valueAxis.title.text = "GDP growth rate"; valueAxis.title.fontWeight = 800; // Create series var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.ColumnSeries()); series.dataFields.valueY = "year2004"; series.dataFields.categoryX = "country"; series.clustered = false; series.tooltipText = "GDP grow in {categoryX} (2004): [bold]{valueY}[/]"; var series2 = chart.series.push(new am4charts.ColumnSeries()); series2.dataFields.valueY = "year2005"; series2.dataFields.categoryX = "country"; series2.clustered = false; series2.columns.template.width = am4core.percent(50); series2.tooltipText = "GDP grow in {categoryX} (2005): [bold]{valueY}[/]"; chart.cursor = new am4charts.XYCursor(); chart.cursor.lineX.disabled = true; chart.cursor.lineY.disabled = true; }); // end am4core.ready() } if (jQuery('#morris-line-chart').length) { new Morris.Line({ // ID of the element in which to draw the chart. element: 'morris-line-chart', // Chart data records -- each entry in this array corresponds to a point on // the chart. data: [{ year: '2008', value: 20 }, { year: '2009', value: 10 }, { year: '2010', value: 5 }, { year: '2011', value: 5 }, { year: '2012', value: 20 }], // The name of the data record attribute that contains x-values. xkey: 'year', // A list of names of data record attributes that contain y-values. ykeys: ['value'], // Labels for the ykeys -- will be displayed when you hover over the // chart. labels: ['Value'], lineColors: ['#f15773'] }); } if (jQuery('#morris-bar-chart').length) { Morris.Bar({ element: 'morris-bar-chart', data: [{ x: '2011 Q1', y: 3, z: 2, a: 3 }, { x: '2011 Q2', y: 2, z: null, a: 1 }, { x: '2011 Q3', y: 0, z: 2, a: 4 }, { x: '2011 Q4', y: 2, z: 4, a: 3 }], xkey: 'x', ykeys: ['y', 'z', 'a'], labels: ['Y', 'Z', 'A'], barColors: ['#f15773', '#00d0ff', '#4F6272'], hoverCallback: function(index, options, content, row) { return ''; } }).on('click', function(i, row) { console.log(i, row); }); } if (jQuery('#morris-area-chart').length) { var area = new Morris.Area({ element: 'morris-area-chart', resize: true, data: [{ y: '2011 Q1', item1: 2666, item2: 2666 }, { y: '2011 Q2', item1: 2778, item2: 2294 }, { y: '2011 Q3', item1: 4912, item2: 1969 }, { y: '2011 Q4', item1: 3767, item2: 3597 }, { y: '2012 Q1', item1: 6810, item2: 1914 }, { y: '2012 Q2', item1: 5670, item2: 4293 }, { y: '2012 Q3', item1: 4820, item2: 3795 }, { y: '2012 Q4', item1: 15073, item2: 5967 }, { y: '2013 Q1', item1: 10687, item2: 4460 }, { y: '2013 Q2', item1: 8432, item2: 5713 }], xkey: 'y', ykeys: ['item1', 'item2'], labels: ['Item 1', 'Item 2'], lineColors: ['#f15773', '#4F6272'], hoverCallback: function(index, options, content, row) { return ''; } }); } if (jQuery('#morris-donut-chart').length) { var donut = new Morris.Donut({ element: 'morris-donut-chart', resize: true, colors: ["#f15773", "#00d0ff", "#4F6272"], data: [{ label: "Download Sales", value: 12 }, { label: "In-Store Sales", value: 30 }, { label: "Mail-Order Sales", value: 20 }], hideHover: 'auto' }); } // High Chart if (jQuery('#high-basicline-chart').length) { Highcharts.chart('high-basicline-chart', { title: { text: 'Solar Employment Growth by Sector, 2010-2016' }, subtitle: { text: 'Source:' }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Number of Employees' } }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'middle' }, plotOptions: { series: { label: { connectorAllowed: false }, pointStart: 2010 } }, series: [{ name: 'Installation', data: [43934, 52503, 57177, 69658, 97031, 119931, 137133, 154175], color: '#f15773' }, { name: 'Manufacturing', data: [24916, 24064, 29742, 29851, 32490, 30282, 38121, 40434], color: '#4F6272' }, { name: 'Sales & Distribution', data: [11744, 17722, 16005, 19771, 20185, 24377, 32147, 39387], color: '#28a745' }, { name: 'Project Development', data: [null, null, 7988, 12169, 15112, 22452, 34400, 34227], color: '#ffc107' }, { name: 'Other', data: [12908, 5948, 8105, 11248, 8989, 11816, 18274, 18111], color: '#17a2b8' }], responsive: { rules: [{ condition: { maxWidth: 500 }, chartOptions: { legend: { layout: 'horizontal', align: 'center', verticalAlign: 'bottom' } } }] } }); } if (jQuery('#high-area-chart').length) { Highcharts.chart('high-area-chart', { chart: { type: 'area' }, accessibility: { description: 'Image description: An area chart compares the nuclear stockpiles of the USA and the USSR/Russia between 1945 and 2017. The number of nuclear weapons is plotted on the Y-axis and the years on the X-axis. The chart is interactive, and the year-on-year stockpile levels can be traced for each country. The US has a stockpile of 6 nuclear weapons at the dawn of the nuclear age in 1945. This number has gradually increased to 369 by 1950 when the USSR enters the arms race with 6 weapons. At this point, the US starts to rapidly build its stockpile culminating in 32,040 warheads by 1966 compared to the USSR’s 7,089. From this peak in 1966, the US stockpile gradually decreases as the USSR’s stockpile expands. By 1978 the USSR has closed the nuclear gap at 25,393. The USSR stockpile continues to grow until it reaches a peak of 45,000 in 1986 compared to the US arsenal of 24,401. From 1986, the nuclear stockpiles of both countries start to fall. By 2000, the numbers have fallen to 10,577 and 21,000 for the US and Russia, respectively. The decreases continue until 2017 at which point the US holds 4,018 weapons compared to Russia’s 4,500.' }, title: { text: 'US and USSR nuclear stockpiles' }, subtitle: { text: 'Sources: <a href="">' + '</a> & <a href="">' + '</a>' }, xAxis: { allowDecimals: false, labels: { formatter: function() { return this.value; // clean, unformatted number for year } }, accessibility: { rangeDescription: 'Range: 1940 to 2017.' } }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Nuclear weapon states' }, labels: { formatter: function() { return this.value / 1000 + 'k'; } } }, tooltip: { pointFormat: '{} had stockpiled <b>{point.y:,.0f}</b><br/>warheads in {point.x}' }, plotOptions: { area: { pointStart: 1940, marker: { enabled: false, symbol: 'circle', radius: 2, states: { hover: { enabled: true } } } } }, series: [{ name: 'USA', data: [ null, null, null, null, null, 6, 11, 32, 110, 235, 369, 640, 1005, 1436, 2063, 3057, 4618, 6444, 9822, 15468, 20434, 24126, 27387, 29459, 31056, 31982, 32040, 31233, 29224, 27342, 26662, 26956, 27912, 28999, 28965, 27826, 25579, 25722, 24826, 24605, 24304, 23464, 23708, 24099, 24357, 24237, 24401, 24344, 23586, 22380, 21004, 17287, 14747, 13076, 12555, 12144, 11009, 10950, 10871, 10824, 10577, 10527, 10475, 10421, 10358, 10295, 10104, 9914, 9620, 9326, 5113, 5113, 4954, 4804, 4761, 4717, 4368, 4018 ], color: '#f15773' }, { name: 'USSR/Russia', data: [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 5, 25, 50, 120, 150, 200, 426, 660, 869, 1060, 1605, 2471, 3322, 4238, 5221, 6129, 7089, 8339, 9399, 10538, 11643, 13092, 14478, 15915, 17385, 19055, 21205, 23044, 25393, 27935, 30062, 32049, 33952, 35804, 37431, 39197, 45000, 43000, 41000, 39000, 37000, 35000, 33000, 31000, 29000, 27000, 25000, 24000, 23000, 22000, 21000, 20000, 19000, 18000, 18000, 17000, 16000, 15537, 14162, 12787, 12600, 11400, 5500, 4512, 4502, 4502, 4500, 4500 ], color: '#4F6272' }] }); } if (jQuery('#high-columnndbar-chart').length) { Highcharts.chart('high-columnndbar-chart', { chart: { type: 'bar' }, title: { text: 'Historic World Population by Region' }, subtitle: { text: 'Source: <a href=""></a>' }, xAxis: { categories: ['Africa', 'America', 'Asia', 'Europe', 'Oceania'], title: { text: null } }, yAxis: { min: 0, title: { text: 'Population (millions)', align: 'high' }, labels: { overflow: 'justify' } }, tooltip: { valueSuffix: ' millions' }, plotOptions: { bar: { dataLabels: { enabled: true } } }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', align: 'right', verticalAlign: 'top', x: -40, y: 80, floating: true, borderWidth: 1, backgroundColor: Highcharts.defaultOptions.legend.backgroundColor || '#FFFFFF', shadow: true }, credits: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: 'Year 1900', data: [133, 156, 947, 408, 6], color: '#f15773' }, { name: 'Year 2000', data: [814, 841, 3714, 727, 31], color: '#4F6272' }, { name: 'Year 2016', data: [1216, 1001, 4436, 738, 40], color: '#ffc107' }] }); } if (jQuery('#high-pie-chart').length) { Highcharts.chart('high-pie-chart', { chart: { plotBackgroundColor: null, plotBorderWidth: null, plotShadow: false, type: 'pie' }, colorAxis: {}, title: { text: 'Browser market shares in January, 2018' }, tooltip: { pointFormat: '{}: <b>{point.percentage:.1f}%</b>' }, plotOptions: { pie: { allowPointSelect: true, cursor: 'pointer', dataLabels: { enabled: true, format: '<b>{}</b>: {point.percentage:.1f} %' } } }, series: [{ name: 'Brands', colorByPoint: true, data: [{ name: 'Chrome', y: 61.41, sliced: true, selected: true, color: '#f15773' }, { name: 'Internet Explorer', y: 11.84, color: '#4F6272' }, { name: 'Firefox', y: 10.85, color: '#e64141' }, { name: 'Edge', y: 4.67, color: '#ffd400' }, { name: 'Safari', y: 4.18, color: '#00d0ff' }, { name: 'Sogou Explorer', y: 1.64, color: '#374948' }, { name: 'Opera', y: 1.6, color: '#E9EDF4' }, { name: 'QQ', y: 1.2, color: '#777D74' }, { name: 'Other', y: 2.61, }] }] }); } if (jQuery('#high-scatterplot-chart').length) { Highcharts.chart('high-scatterplot-chart', { chart: { type: 'scatter', zoomType: 'xy' }, accessibility: { description: 'A scatter plot compares the height and weight of 507 individuals by gender. Height in centimeters is plotted on the X-axis and weight in kilograms is plotted on the Y-axis. The chart is interactive, and each data point can be hovered over to expose the height and weight data for each individual. The scatter plot is fairly evenly divided by gender with females dominating the left-hand side of the chart and males dominating the right-hand side. The height data for females ranges from 147.2 to 182.9 centimeters with the greatest concentration between 160 and 165 centimeters. The weight data for females ranges from 42 to 105.2 kilograms with the greatest concentration at around 60 kilograms. The height data for males ranges from 157.2 to 198.1 centimeters with the greatest concentration between 175 and 180 centimeters. The weight data for males ranges from 53.9 to 116.4 kilograms with the greatest concentration at around 80 kilograms.' }, title: { text: 'Height Versus Weight of 507 Individuals by Gender' }, subtitle: { text: 'Source: Heinz 2003' }, xAxis: { title: { enabled: true, text: 'Height (cm)' }, startOnTick: true, endOnTick: true, showLastLabel: true }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Weight (kg)' } }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', align: 'left', verticalAlign: 'top', x: 100, y: 70, floating: true, backgroundColor: Highcharts.defaultOptions.chart.backgroundColor, borderWidth: 1 }, plotOptions: { scatter: { marker: { radius: 5, states: { hover: { enabled: true, lineColor: 'rgb(100,100,100)' } } }, states: { hover: { marker: { enabled: false } } }, tooltip: { headerFormat: '<b>{}</b><br>', pointFormat: '{point.x} cm, {point.y} kg' } } }, series: [{ name: 'Female', color: 'rgba(223, 83, 83, .5)', data: [ [161.2, 51.6], [167.5, 59.0], [159.5, 49.2], [157.0, 63.0], [155.8, 53.6], [170.0, 59.0], [159.1, 47.6], [166.0, 69.8], [176.2, 66.8], [160.2, 75.2], [172.7, 62.0], [155.0, 49.2], [156.5, 67.2], [164.0, 53.8], [160.9, 54.4] ], color: '#f15773' }, { name: 'Male', color: 'rgba(119, 152, 191, .5)', data: [ [174.0, 65.6], [175.3, 71.8], [193.5, 80.7], [186.5, 72.6], [187.2, 78.8], [181.5, 74.8], [184.0, 86.4], [184.5, 78.4], [175.0, 62.0], [184.0, 81.6], [180.1, 93.0], [175.5, 80.9], [180.6, 72.7], [184.4, 68.0], [175.5, 70.9], [180.3, 83.2], [180.3, 83.2] ], color: '#dc3545' }] }); } if (jQuery('#high-linendcolumn-chart').length) { Highcharts.chart('high-linendcolumn-chart', { chart: { zoomType: 'xy' }, title: { text: 'Average Monthly Temperature and Rainfall in Tokyo' }, subtitle: { text: 'Source:' }, xAxis: [{ categories: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ], crosshair: true }], yAxis: [{ // Primary yAxis labels: { format: '{value}°C', style: { color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[1] } }, title: { text: 'Temperature', style: { color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[1] } } }, { // Secondary yAxis title: { text: 'Rainfall', style: { color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0] } }, labels: { format: '{value} mm', style: { color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0] } }, opposite: true }], tooltip: { shared: true }, legend: { layout: 'vertical', align: 'left', x: 120, verticalAlign: 'top', y: 100, floating: true, backgroundColor: Highcharts.defaultOptions.legend.backgroundColor || // theme 'rgba(255,255,255,0.25)' }, series: [{ name: 'Rainfall', type: 'column', yAxis: 1, data: [49.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4], color: '#f15773', tooltip: { valueSuffix: ' mm' } }, { name: 'Temperature', type: 'spline', data: [7.0, 6.9, 9.5, 14.5, 18.2, 21.5, 25.2, 26.5, 23.3, 18.3, 13.9, 9.6], color: '#4F6272', tooltip: { valueSuffix: '°C' } }] }); } if (jQuery('#high-dynamic-chart').length) { Highcharts.chart('high-dynamic-chart', { chart: { type: 'spline', animation: Highcharts.svg, // don't animate in old IE marginRight: 10, events: { load: function() { // set up the updating of the chart each second var series = this.series[0]; setInterval(function() { var x = (new Date()).getTime(), // current time y = Math.random(); series.addPoint([x, y], true, true); }, 1000); } } }, time: { useUTC: false }, title: { text: 'Live random data' }, accessibility: { announceNewData: { enabled: true, minAnnounceInterval: 15000, announcementFormatter: function(allSeries, newSeries, newPoint) { if (newPoint) { return 'New point added. Value: ' + newPoint.y; } return false; } } }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime', tickPixelInterval: 150 }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Value' }, plotLines: [{ value: 0, width: 1, color: '#808080' }] }, tooltip: { headerFormat: '<b>{}</b><br/>', pointFormat: '{point.x:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}<br/>{point.y:.2f}' }, legend: { enabled: false }, exporting: { enabled: false }, series: [{ name: 'Random data', color: '#f15773', data: (function() { // generate an array of random data var data = [], time = (new Date()).getTime(), i; for (i = -19; i <= 0; i += 1) { data.push({ x: time + i * 1000, y: Math.random() }); } return data; }()) }] }); } if (jQuery('#high-3d-chart').length) { var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'high-3d-chart', type: 'column', options3d: { enabled: true, alpha: 15, beta: 15, depth: 50, viewDistance: 25 } }, title: { text: 'Chart rotation demo' }, subtitle: { text: 'Test options by dragging the sliders below' }, plotOptions: { column: { depth: 25 } }, series: [{ data: [29.9, 71.5, 106.4, 129.2, 144.0, 176.0, 135.6, 148.5, 216.4, 194.1, 95.6, 54.4], color: '#f15773' }] }); function showValues() { $('#alpha-value').html(chart.options.chart.options3d.alpha); $('#beta-value').html(chart.options.chart.options3d.beta); $('#depth-value').html(chart.options.chart.options3d.depth); } // Activate the sliders $('#sliders input').on('input change', function() { chart.options.chart.options3d[] = parseFloat(this.value); showValues(); chart.redraw(false); }); showValues(); } if (jQuery('#high-gauges-chart').length) { Highcharts.chart('high-gauges-chart', { chart: { type: 'gauge', plotBackgroundColor: null, plotBackgroundImage: null, plotBorderWidth: 0, plotShadow: false }, title: { text: 'Speedometer' }, pane: { startAngle: -150, endAngle: 150, background: [{ backgroundColor: { linearGradient: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1 }, stops: [ [0, '#FFF'], [1, '#333'] ] }, borderWidth: 0, outerRadius: '109%' }, { backgroundColor: { linearGradient: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1 }, stops: [ [0, '#333'], [1, '#FFF'] ] }, borderWidth: 1, outerRadius: '107%' }, { }, { backgroundColor: '#DDD', borderWidth: 0, outerRadius: '105%', innerRadius: '103%' }] }, yAxis: { min: 0, max: 200, minorTickInterval: 'auto', minorTickWidth: 1, minorTickLength: 10, minorTickPosition: 'inside', minorTickColor: '#666', tickPixelInterval: 30, tickWidth: 2, tickPosition: 'inside', tickLength: 10, tickColor: '#666', labels: { step: 2, rotation: 'auto' }, title: { text: 'km/h' }, plotBands: [{ from: 0, to: 120, color: '#55BF3B' }, { from: 120, to: 160, color: '#DDDF0D' }, { from: 160, to: 200, color: '#DF5353' }] }, series: [{ name: 'Speed', data: [80], tooltip: { valueSuffix: ' km/h' } }] }, function(chart) { if (!chart.renderer.forExport) { setInterval(function() { var point = chart.series[0].points[0], newVal, inc = Math.round((Math.random() - 0.5) * 20); newVal = point.y + inc; if (newVal < 0 || newVal > 200) { newVal = point.y - inc; } point.update(newVal); }, 3000); } }); } if (jQuery('#high-barwithnagative-chart').length) { var categories = [ '0-4', '5-9', '10-14', '15-19', '20-24', '25-29', '30-34', '35-39', '40-44', '45-49', '50-54', '55-59', '60-64', '65-69', '70-74', '75-79', '80-84', '85-89', '90-94', '95-99', '100 + ' ]; Highcharts.chart('high-barwithnagative-chart', { chart: { type: 'bar' }, title: { text: 'Population pyramid for Germany, 2018' }, subtitle: { text: 'Source: <a href="">Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100</a>' }, accessibility: { point: { descriptionFormatter: function(point) { var index = point.index + 1, category = point.category, val = Math.abs(point.y), series =; return index + ', Age ' + category + ', ' + val + '%. ' + series + '.'; } } }, xAxis: [{ categories: categories, reversed: false, labels: { step: 1 }, accessibility: { description: 'Age (male)' } }, { opposite: true, reversed: false, categories: categories, linkedTo: 0, labels: { step: 1 }, accessibility: { description: 'Age (female)' } }], yAxis: { title: { text: null }, labels: { formatter: function() { return Math.abs(this.value) + '%'; } }, accessibility: { description: 'Percentage population', rangeDescription: 'Range: 0 to 5%' } }, plotOptions: { series: { stacking: 'normal' } }, tooltip: { formatter: function() { return '<b>' + + ', age ' + this.point.category + '</b><br/>' + 'Population: ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(Math.abs(this.point.y), 1) + '%'; } }, series: [{ name: 'Male', data: [-2.2, -2.1, -2.2, -2.4, -2.7, -3.0, -3.3, -3.2, -2.9, -3.5, -4.4, -4.1, -0.0], color: '#4F6272' }, { name: 'Female', data: [ 2.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.3, 2.6, 2.9, 3.2, 3.1, 2.9, 3.4, 0.0 ], color: '#f15773' }] }); } if (jQuery('#home-chart-1').length) { var options = { series: [{ name: 'series1', data: [31, 40, 28, 51, 42, 109, 100] }, { name: 'series2', data: [11, 32, 45, 32, 34, 52, 41] }], colors: ['#f15773', '#4F6272'], chart: { height: 350, type: 'area' }, dataLabels: { enabled: false }, stroke: { curve: 'smooth' }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', categories: ["2018-09-19T00:00:00.000Z", "2018-09-19T01:30:00.000Z", "2018-09-19T02:30:00.000Z", "2018-09-19T03:30:00.000Z", "2018-09-19T04:30:00.000Z", "2018-09-19T05:30:00.000Z", "2018-09-19T06:30:00.000Z"] }, tooltip: { x: { format: 'dd/MM/yy HH:mm' }, }, }; 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