^ ) 3Qp'( / N 0d      8" 6[ $ % %   +$ P 6m  ( J .8 ,g  #   ( /% 7U #  ) % -'M&u5-435%i,"A!=_ e s~ L! %>IQ1[*&, 5 @L3Rc/z--  'He4)'G3%{! 4$2Y##) 9  Z8{ *R1S3#%.7T3-#/1B@t/'7 <E7A805 2f _ !:!@!P!b! s!L!&! ! ""0"RO""2e%!%%%%*&,&1&9& ?& I&U&1[&&&& &&+&&&&\Z K61/CQM*J.'V " T[I)P2R-H%8,0#! ?G]W^= >ALFUS4<$5N+DB(X;@O7E :9Y3 Call graph Call graph (explanation follows) %d basic-block count record %d basic-block count records %d call-graph record %d call-graph records %d histogram record %d histogram records flat profile: Top %d Lines: Line Count %9lu Total number of line executions Each sample counts as %g %s. Execution Summary: granularity: each sample hit covers %ld byte(s) [%d] for %.2f%% of %.2f %s for %.2f%% of %.2f seconds no time accumulated no time propagated %6.6s %5.5s %7.7s %11.11s %7.7s %7.7s %6.6s %5.5s %7.7s %7.7s %7.7s %7.7s %9.2f Average executions per line %9.2f Percent of the file executed %9ld Executable lines in this file %9ld Lines executed %c%c/call%s: %s: found bad tag %d (file corrupted?) %s: %s: not in a.out format %s: %s: unexpected EOF after reading %d of %d samples %s: %s: unexpected end of file %s: -c not supported on architecture %s %s: Only one of --function-ordering and --file-ordering may be specified. %s: `%s' is incompatible with first gmon file %s: address size has unexpected value of %u %s: can't do -c %s: can't find .text section in %s %s: could not locate `%s' %s: could not open %s. %s: debugging not supported; -d ignored %s: don't know how to deal with file format %d %s: file '%s' does not appear to be in gmon.out format %s: file `%s' has bad magic cookie %s: file `%s' has no symbols %s: file `%s' has unsupported version %d %s: file too short to be a gmon file %s: gmon.out file is missing call-graph data %s: gmon.out file is missing histogram %s: incompatible with first gmon file %s: profiling rate incompatible with first gmon file %s: ran out room for %lu bytes of text space %s: somebody miscounted: ltab.len=%d instead of %ld %s: sorry, file format `prof' is not yet supported %s: unable to parse mapping file %s. %s: unexpected EOF after reading %d/%d bins %s: unknown demangling style `%s' %s: unknown file format %s %s: warning: ignoring basic-block exec counts (use -l or --line) %s:%d: (%s:0x%lx) %lu executions %time*** File %s: Based on BSD gprof, copyright 1983 Regents of the University of California. File `%s' (version %d) contains: Flat profile: GNU gprof %s Index by function name Report bugs to %s This program is free software. This program has absolutely no warranty. Usage: %s [-[abcDhilLsTvwxyz]] [-[ACeEfFJnNOpPqQZ][name]] [-I dirs] [-d[num]] [-k from/to] [-m min-count] [-t table-length] [--[no-]annotated-source[=name]] [--[no-]exec-counts[=name]] [--[no-]flat-profile[=name]] [--[no-]graph[=name]] [--[no-]time=name] [--all-lines] [--brief] [--debug[=level]] [--function-ordering] [--file-ordering] [--directory-path=dirs] [--display-unused-functions] [--file-format=name] [--file-info] [--help] [--line] [--min-count=n] [--no-static] [--print-path] [--separate-files] [--static-call-graph] [--sum] [--table-length=len] [--traditional] [--version] [--width=n] [--ignore-non-functions] [--demangle[=STYLE]] [--no-demangle] [image-file] [profile-file...] [cg_tally] arc from %s to %s traversed %lu times [find_call] %s: 0x%lx to 0x%lx [find_call] 0x%lx: bsr[find_call] 0x%lx: jal[find_call] 0x%lx: jalr [find_call] 0x%lx: jsr%s calledcallschildrencumulativedescendantsindexindex %% time self children called name nameparentsselfself timetime is in ticks, not seconds totaltotal Project-Id-Version: gprof 2.14rel030712 POT-Creation-Date: 2003-07-11 13:58+0930 PO-Revision-Date: 2003-08-23 09:02+0300 Last-Translator: Eugen Hoanca Language-Team: Romanian X-Bugs: Report translation errors to the Language-Team address. MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Grafic de apelri Grafic de apelri (urmeaz explicaia) %d nregistrare repetri de blocuri de baz %d nregistrri repetri de blocuri de baz %d nregistrare grafic apelri %d nregistrri grafic apelri %d nregistrare histogram %d nregistrri histogram profil clar: Cele mai dese %d linii Linie Repetri %9lu Numr total de execuii de linii Fiecare exemplu conteaz ca i %g %s. Cuprins al Execuiei: granularitate: fiecare exemplu de potrivire(hit) acoper %ld octet(i) [%d] pentru %.2f%% din %.2f %s pentru %.2f%% din %.2f secunde nici un timp acumulat nici un timp propagat %6.6s %5.5s %7.7s %11.11s %7.7s %7.7s %6.6s %5.5s %7.7s %7.7s %7.7s %7.7s %9.2f Mediu de execuii pe linie %9.2f Procent de fiier executat %9ld Linii executanile n acest fiier %9ld Linii executate %c%c/apel%s: %s: s-a gsit marcaj(tag) greit %d (fiier corupt?) %s: %s: nu este n format a.out %s: %s: EOF neateptat dup citirea a %d din %d exemple %s: %s: sfrit brusc de fiier %s: -c nu este suportat pe arhitectura %s %s: Doar unul dintre --function-ordering sau --file-ordering poate fi specificat. %s: `%s' este incompatibil cu primul fiier gmon %s: mrimea adresei are valoarea neateptat de %u %s: nu pot face -c %s: nu pot gsi seciunea .text %s %s: nu am putut localiza `%s' %s: nu am putut deschide %s. %s: debugging nesuportat; -d ignorat %s: nu tiu cum s m descurc cu formatul de fiier %d %s: fiierul '%s' nupare s fie n format gmon.out %s: fiierul `%s' are un magic cookie eronat %s: fiierul `%s' nu are simboluri %s: fiierul `%s' are versiunea nesuportat %d %s: fiier prea scurt pentru a fi un fiier gmon %s: Fiierului gmon.out i lipsesc datele graficului de apelri %s: Fiierului gmon.out i lipsete histograma %s: incompatibil cu primul fiier gmon %s: rat profilat incompatibil cu primul fiier gmon %s: locaie(room) plin pentru %lu octei de spaiu de text %s: cineva a numrat greit: ltab.len=%d n loc de %ld %s: nu pare ru, formatul de fiier `prof' nu este nc suportat %s: nu s-a putut analiza(parse) fiierul de mapping %s. %s: EOF neateptat dup citirea a %d/%d bin-uri %s: stil necunoscut de mbinare (demangling) `%s' %s: format fiier necunoscut %s %s: avertisment: se ignor numrtoarea de blocuri executabile de baz (folosii -l or --line) %s:%d: (%s:0x%lx) %lu execuii %timp*** Fiier %s: Bazat pe BSD gprof, copyright 1983 Regents of the University of California. Fiierul `%s' (versiunea %d) conine: Profil clar: GNU gprof %s Indexare dup numele funciei Raportai erorile(bugs) la %s Acest program este software liber. Acest program nu are absolut nici o garanie. Folosiree: %s [-[abcDhilLsTvwxyz]] [-[ACeEfFJnNOpPqQZ][name]] [-I dirs] [-d[num]] [-k from/to] [-m min-count] [-t table-length] [--[no-]annotated-source[=nume]] [--[no-]exec-counts[=nume]] [--[no-]flat-profile[=nume]] [--[no-]graph[=nume]] [--[no-]time=nume] [--all-lines] [--brief] [--debug[=nivel]] [--function-ordering] [--file-ordering] [--directory-path=dirs] [--display-unused-functions] [--file-format=nume] [--file-info] [--help] [--line] [--min-count=n] [--no-static] [--print-path] [--separate-files] [--static-call-graph] [--sum] [--table-length=lun] [--traditional] [--version] [--width=n] [--ignore-non-functions] [--demangle[=STIL]] [--no-demangle] [image-file] [profile-file...] [cg_tally] arc din %s spre %s a trecut de %lu ori [find_call] %s: 0x%lx spre 0x%lx [find_call] 0x%lx: bsr[find_call] 0x%lx: jal[find_call] 0x%lx: jalr [find_call] 0x%lx: jsr%s apelapelricopilcumulativdescendeniindexindex %% timp propriu copil apel nume numeprinipropriupropriu timptimpul este n bti(ticks), nu n secunde totaltotal