~       &$ &K r       % ; 3Q        " . = M Z f p z          $ ?`g w   $/BME Xv    'Ba$s !:  4A Xfz,# V85+ " .:W!n .   '$Ch ~!!kn$..M&g+%@;] , =IX p|       +1?q     ) F)PzV\Jc'[ ' Gh)~ !6 * K X o ~  4    + ! 6!D!Pa!6!!1!-" I" S"%`""$"" "5" # '#4#F#(e#/## ## #$"$@$!l&GaS#D{;tjzU]N6x K\r@/g Wp^2%J_5<8nR.3+H7I sOFc0X1`vPeBLC4:h}imYV=*?bfT-| Zw>AQ9E[)dk$~M(qy"' , ou -%s or -o option (core dumped)$%s: cannot assign in this way%s: bad substitution%s: binary operator expected%s: cannot assign list to array member%s: cannot assign to non-numeric index%s: cannot create: %s%s: cannot execute binary file%s: command not found%s: integer expression expected%s: is a directory%s: job has terminated%s: parameter null or not set%s: readonly function%s: readonly variable%s: restricted: cannot specify `/' in command names%s: substring expression < 0%s: unary operator expected%s: unbound variable(core dumped) (wd now: %s) ABORT instructionAlarm (profile)Alarm (virtual)Alarm clockBPT trace/trapBad system callBogus signalBroken pipeBus errorCPU limitChild death or stopContinueDoneDone(%d)EMT instructionExit %dFile limitFloating point exceptionGNU long options: HFT input data pendingHFT monitor mode grantedHFT monitor mode retractedHFT sound sequence has completedHangupI have no name!I/O readyIllegal instructionInterruptKilledQuitRecord lockRunningSegmentation faultShell options: StoppedStopped (signal)Stopped (tty input)Stopped (tty output)TerminatedThe mail in %s has been read Type `%s -c "help set"' for more information about shell options. Type `%s -c help' for more information about shell builtin commands. Unknown Signal #Unknown Signal #%dUnknown statusUrgent IO conditionUsage: %s [GNU long option] [option] ... %s [GNU long option] [option] script-file ... Use "%s" to leave the shell. User signal 1User signal 2Window changedYou have mail in $_You have new mail in $_[ arg... ]`)' expected`)' expected, found %s`:' expected for conditional expressionalias [-p] [name[=value] ... ]argument expectedattempted assignment to non-variablebad array subscriptbreak [n]builtin [shell-builtin [arg ...]]case WORD in [PATTERN [| PATTERN]...) COMMANDS ;;]... esaccommand [-pVv] command [arg ...]continue [n]dirs [-clpv] [+N] [-N]division by 0echo [-n] [arg ...]echo [-neE] [arg ...]error importing function definition for `%s'eval [arg ...]exit [n]expression expectedexpression recursion level exceededfg [job_spec]getopts optstring name [arg]if COMMANDS; then COMMANDS; [ elif COMMANDS; then COMMANDS; ]... [ else COMMANDS; ] fijobs [-lnprs] [jobspec ...] or jobs -x command [args]let arg [arg ...]make_here_document: bad instruction type %dmigrate process to another CPUmissing `)'missing `]'no job control in this shellpower failure imminentprint_command: bad connector `%d'programming errorreturn [n]select NAME [in WORDS ... ;] do COMMANDS; doneshift [n]suspend [-f]syntax errorsyntax error in expressionsyntax error near unexpected token `%s'syntax error: unexpected end of filesystem crash imminenttest [expr]too many argumentsunknownuntil COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; donevalue too great for basewhile COMMANDS; do COMMANDS; doneProject-Id-Version: bash 2.0 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2016-09-10 12:42-0400 PO-Revision-Date: 1997-08-17 18:42+0300 Last-Translator: Eugen Hoanca Language-Team: Romanian MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-2 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Language: ro -%s sau -o opiune (core dumped)$%s: nu se poate asigna n acest mod%s: substituie invalid%s: se ateapt operator binar%s: nu pot asigna list membrului intervalului%s: nu se poate atribui ctre index ne-numeric%s: nu s-a putut crea: %s%s: nu se poate executa fiierul binar%s: comand negsit%s: se ateapt expresie ntreag (integer)%s: este director%s: jobul a fost terminat%s: parametru null sau nesetat%s: funcie doar n citire (readonly)%s: variabil doar n citire%s: limitat: nu se poate specifica `/' n numele comenzilor%s: expresie subir < 0%s: se ateapt operator unar%s: variabil fr limit(core dumped) (wd actual: %s) instruciune ABORTAlarm (profil)Alarm (virtual)Ceas alarmBPT trace/trapApelare sistem invalidSemnal falsLegtur(pipe) ntreruptEroare de buslimit CPUSuccesor mort sau opritContinuareFinalizatFinalizat(%d)instruciune EMTIeire %dlimit fiierExcepie virgul mobilopiuni lungi GNU: Date de intrare HFT n curs de rezolvare(pending)mod monitor HFT acordatmod monitor HFT retrassecven de sunet HFT completatDeconectareNu am nici un nume!I/O pregtitInstruciune ilegalntrerupereTerminat(killed)PrsireReinere (lock) nregistraren rulareEroare de segmentare (Segmentation fault)Opiuni ale shell-ului: StopatOprit (semnal)Oprit (tty input)Oprit (tty output)TerminatMailul din %s a fost citit Apsai `%s -c "set-ajutor"' pentru mai multe informaii despre opiunile shell-ului. Apsai `%s -c ajutor' pentru mai multe informaii despre comenzile interne ale shell-ului. Semnal Necunoscut #Semnal Necunoscut #%dStare necunoscutCondiie IO urgentFolosire: %s [GNU opiune lung] [opiune] ... %s [GNU opiune lung] [opiune] fiier script ... Folosii "%s" pentru a prsi shellul. Semnal utilizator 1Semnal utilizator 2Fereastr schimbatAvei mail n $_Avei mail nou n $_[ arg... ]se ateapt `)'se ateapt `)', s-a primit %s`:' ateptat dup expresie condiionalalias [-p] [nume[=valoare] ... ]se ateapt parametrus-a ncercat asignare ctre non-variabilincluziune greit n intervalbreak [n]builtin [shell-builtin [arg ...]]case EXPRESIE n [TIPAR[[TIPAR]..) COMENZI ;;]... esaccommand [-pVv] comand [arg ...]continue [n]dirs [-clpv] [+N] [-N]mprire la 0echo [-n] [arg ...]echo [-neE] [arg ...]eroare n importarea definiiei funciei pentru '%s'eval [arg ...]exit [n]se ateapt expresienivel de recursivitate al expresiei depitfg [job_spec]getopts optstring nume [arg]if COMENZI; then COMENZI; [elif COMENZI; then COMENZI; ]... [ else COMENZI; ] fijobs [-lnprs] [jobspec ...] sau jobs -x comand [args]let arg [arg ...]make_here_document: tip de instruciune greit %dmigrare proces spre alt CPU`)' lipslipsete ']'nici un control de job n acest shellprobleme electrice iminenteprint_command: conector greitr `%d'eroare de programarereturn [n]select NUME [n EXPRESIE ... ;] execut COMENZI; doneshift [n]suspend [-f]eroare de sintaxeroare de sintax n expresie eroare de sintax neateptat lng `%s'eroare de sintax: sfrit de fiier neateptatcrash de sistem iminenttest [expr]prea muli parametrinecunoscutuntil COMENZI; do COMENZI; donevaloare prea mare pentru bazwhile COMENZI; do COMENZI; done