WMDR+C:\Users\tyang\Desktop\Product Setting\SmartAMP\ASUS\ASUS_Zenbook\UM5302\Tuning_release\220210\UM5302_R_Tuning_HX_Rattle_Enable_cal.bin4?Hf   )()  m uO   + e F?0* `O~Z1 1  2 U ,qi , ,2Ńd ,y, , >!m>hx>|l >|l 2U,qi ,  ,2Ńd ,y , ,>!m>hx>| l>|l  3 O +uO?S{ "amplifier_gain": 17.5, "amplifier_model": "CS35L51", "client_name": "LabSuite", "client_tuning_name": "UM5302_R_Tuning_HX_Rattle_Enable", "client_version": "6.61.1", "feature_blocks": "Convert Q Format to Sample Left, Convert Q Format to Sample Right, Convert Q Format to Sample Voltage, Convert Q Format to Sample Current, Mix, Protect Lite, Convert Sample to Q Format Left, Convert Sample to Q Format Right, Convert Sample to Q Format Left Cal, Convert Sample to Q Format Right Cal, Equalizer, Dynamic Range Compressor, Rattle Distortion Limiter 1", "internal_buffer_size": 32, "platform": "halo", "platform_id": 1236, "project_id": "0x126611", "sample_rate": 48000, "signal_chain": "CS35L51 Mono Superset", "signal_chain_version": "8.0", "snapshot_id": "0x0E0210", "tuning_id": "0x060004", "deploy_group": "left_cal", "checksum": "1106561495" }