7ec@sedZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZdZedkraendS(sS Command line interface to difflib.py providing diffs in four formats: * ndiff: lists every line and highlights interline changes. * context: highlights clusters of changes in a before/after format. * unified: highlights clusters of changes in an inline format. * html: generates side by side comparison with change highlights. iNc Csed}tj|}|jddddtdd|jddddtdd |jd dddtdd |jd dddtdd |jdddddddd|j\}}t|dkr|jtjdnt|dkr|j dn|j }|\}}t j t j|j}t j t j|j}t|d} | j} WdQXt|d} | j} WdQX|jrtj| | ||||d|} n{|jrtj| | } n]|jr-tjj| | ||d|jd|} n$tj| | ||||d|} tjj| dS(Ns&usage: %prog [options] fromfile tofiles-ctactiont store_truetdefaultthelps'Produce a context format diff (default)s-usProduce a unified format diffs-msAProduce HTML side by side diff (can use -c and -l in conjunction)s-nsProduce a ndiff format diffs-ls--linesttypetintis'Set number of context lines (default 3)iiis*need to specify both a fromfile and tofiletUtntcontexttnumlines(toptparset OptionParsert add_optiontFalset parse_argstlent print_helptsystexitterrortlinesttimetctimetoststattst_mtimetopent readlinestutdifflibt unified_diffRtndifftmtHtmlDifft make_filetct context_difftstdoutt writelines( tusagetparsertoptionstargsRtfromfilettofiletfromdatettodatetft fromlinesttolinestdiff((s*/usr/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/diff.pytmain s:"    '  0$t__main__(t__doc__RRRRR R3t__name__(((s*/usr/lib64/python2.7/Tools/scripts/diff.pyt s< &