7ec@sYdZddlZddlZddlZddddddd d gZdd d Zddd ZeZddZ de ddddZ e dddZ dZ defdYZdZdZdZdZdd dZddddZdefdYZd efdYZeZy>ddlmZmZmZmZmZeZeZ e!ZWn#e"k rgZd ZiZ nXeej#esRe$e%gZ&ej' rej(j) re&j*e+nxe&D]Z,e d!d"e,qWej(j-Z-e-d kr$d#Z.ne-r3d Z.nd!Z.e e.d"e/d$d n[dS(%s&Python part of the warnings subsystem.iNtwarnt warn_explicitt showwarningt formatwarningtfilterwarningst simplefiltert resetwarningstcatch_warningsicCs9tjr5|dkrt}nt|||dndS(sIssue a deprecation warning for Python 3.x related changes. Warnings are omitted unless Python is started with the -3 option. iN(tsyst py3kwarningtNonetDeprecationWarningR(tmessagetcategoryt stacklevel((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pytwarnpy3ks   cCsi|dkr(tj}|dkr(dSny#|jt|||||Wnttfk rdnXdS(s7Hook to write a warning to a file; replace if you like.N(R RtstderrtwriteRtIOErrort UnicodeError(R R tfilenametlinenotfiletline((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyt _show_warnings   #cCsFy t}Wntk r#d}nXyt|}Wntk rGnXd||j|f}|dkr|tj||n|}|r|j}t ||rt |trt|d}n|d|7}nt ||r2t |tr2t j }|r2yt||}Wq/t k r+q/Xq2nd||f}|S(s.Function to format a warning the standard way.s %s: %s: %s tlatin1s %s s%s:%s(N( tunicodet NameErrortstrtUnicodeEncodeErrort__name__R t linecachetgetlinetstript isinstanceRtgetfilesystemencodingtUnicodeDecodeError(R R RRRt unicodetypetstenc((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyR(s0    $    ticCsiddl}||j||j||j|t|f}|rUtj|ntjd|dS(sInsert an entry into the list of warnings filters (at the front). 'action' -- one of "error", "ignore", "always", "default", "module", or "once" 'message' -- a regex that the warning message must match 'category' -- a class that the warning must be a subclass of 'module' -- a regex that the module name must match 'lineno' -- an integer line number, 0 matches all warnings 'append' -- if true, append to the list of filters iNi(tretcompiletItinttfilterstappendtinsert(tactionR R tmoduleRR.R)titem((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyRCs cCsE|d|dt|f}|r1tj|ntjd|dS(sInsert a simple entry into the list of warnings filters (at the front). A simple filter matches all modules and messages. 'action' -- one of "error", "ignore", "always", "default", "module", or "once" 'category' -- a class that the warning must be a subclass of 'lineno' -- an integer line number, 0 matches all warnings 'append' -- if true, append to the list of filters iN(R R,R-R.R/(R0R RR.R2((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyR`scCs gt(dS(sAClear the list of warning filters, so that no filters are active.N(R-(((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyRtst _OptionErrorcBseZdZRS(s,Exception used by option processing helpers.(Rt __module__t__doc__(((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyR3xscCsLxE|D]=}yt|Wqtk rC}tjdI|IJqXqWdS(NsInvalid -W option ignored:(t _setoptionR3RR(targstargtmsg((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyt_processoptions}s  c Cs[ddl}|jd}t|dkrCtd|fnx#t|dkrh|jdqFWg|D]}|j^qp\}}}}}t|}|j|}t|}|j|}|r|d}n|r;y%t |}|dkr t nWqAt t fk r7td|fqAXnd}t |||||dS( Nit:istoo many fields (max 5): %rR(t$isinvalid lineno %r( R)tsplittlenR3R.R!t _getactiontescapet _getcategoryR,t ValueErrort OverflowErrorR( R8R)tpartsR&R0R R R1R((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyR6s. +      cCsU|s dS|dkrdSx!d D]}|j|r!|Sq!Wtd|fdS( NtdefaulttalltalwaystignoreR1tonceterrorsinvalid action: %r(RERGRHR1RIRJ(t startswithR3(R0ta((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyR?s  cCs/ddl}|stS|jd|rbyt|}Wqtk r^td|fqXn|jd}|| }||d}yt|dd|g}Wn$t k rtd|fnXyt ||}Wn$t k rtd|fnXt |ts+td|fn|S(Nis^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$sunknown warning category: %rt.isinvalid module name: %rsinvalid warning category: %r( R)tWarningtmatchtevalRR3trfindt __import__R t ImportErrortgetattrtAttributeErrort issubclass(R R)tcattiR1tklasstm((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyRAs,     c CsRt|tr|j}n|d kr0t}nytj|}Wn tk retj}d}nX|j }|j }d|kr|d}nd}|j d}|r|j }|j d r |d }q nI|dkrytjd }Wqtk r d}qXn|s |}n|jd i} t|||||| |d S( s:Issue a warning, or maybe ignore it or raise an exception.iRst__file__s.pycs.pyoit__main__it__warningregistry__N(s.pycs.pyo(R"RNt __class__R t UserWarningRt _getframeRBt__dict__t f_globalstf_linenotgettlowertendswithtargvRUt setdefaultR( R R RtcallertglobalsRR1Rtfnltregistry((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyRs:               cCsbt|}|dkrJ|p!d}|djdkrJ|d }qJn|dkr_i}nt|trt|}|j}n|}||}|||f}|j|rdSxtD]|} | \} } } } }| dks| j |rt || r| dks!| j |r|dks9||krPqqWt } | dkrad||is.pyiRHiRJRIRGR1REs1Unrecognized action (%r) in warnings.filters: %s(R,R ReR"RNRR^RdR-RORVt defaultactionRtgetlinest onceregistryt RuntimeErrorR(R R RRR1Rltmodule_globalsttexttkeyR2R0R9RWtmodtlntoncekeytaltkey((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyRsb                       tWarningMessagecBs,eZdZd Zd d dZdZRS( s0Holds the result of a single showwarning() call.R R RRRRcCsR||_||_||_||_||_||_|rE|jnd|_dS(N( R R RRRRRR t_category_name(tselfR R RRRR((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyt__init__6s      cCs&d|j|j|j|j|jfS(NsD{message : %r, category : %r, filename : %r, lineno : %s, line : %r}(R RyRRR(Rz((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyt__str__@s (R R RRRRN(RR4R5t_WARNING_DETAILSR R{R|(((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyRx/s  cBs8eZdZeddZdZdZdZRS(sA context manager that copies and restores the warnings filter upon exiting the context. The 'record' argument specifies whether warnings should be captured by a custom implementation of warnings.showwarning() and be appended to a list returned by the context manager. Otherwise None is returned by the context manager. The objects appended to the list are arguments whose attributes mirror the arguments to showwarning(). The 'module' argument is to specify an alternative module to the module named 'warnings' and imported under that name. This argument is only useful when testing the warnings module itself. cCs8||_|dkr"tjdn||_t|_dS(sSpecify whether to record warnings and if an alternative module should be used other than sys.modules['warnings']. For compatibility with Python 3.0, please consider all arguments to be keyword-only. twarningsN(t_recordR Rtmodulest_moduletFalset_entered(RztrecordR1((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyR{Ws "cCsrg}|jr|jdn|jtjdk rL|jd|jnt|j}d|dj|fS(Ns record=TrueR~s module=%rs%s(%s)s, (RR.RRRttypeRtjoin(RzR7tname((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyt__repr__cs cs|jrtd|nt|_|jj|_|j|j_|jj|_|jrgfd}||j_SdSdS(NsCannot enter %r twicecsjt||dS(N(R.Rx(R7tkwargs(tlog(s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyRus( RRptTrueRR-t_filtersRt _showwarningRR (RzR((Rs /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyt __enter__ls    cGs>|jstd|n|j|j_|j|j_dS(Ns%Cannot exit %r without entering first(RRpRRR-RR(Rztexc_info((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyt__exit__|s N( RR4R5RR R{RRR(((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyRFs  (R-tdefault_actiont once_registryRRRERHR RJR.(0R5RRttypest__all__R RRRRRNRRRt ExceptionR3R:R6R?RARRtobjectRxRRt_warnings_defaultst _warningsR-RRRmRoRRSt warnoptionst ImportWarningtPendingDeprecationWarningtsilenceR tflagstdivision_warningR.R tclst bytes_warningt bytes_actiont BytesWarning(((s /usr/lib64/python2.7/warnings.pyts`               )AE(