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To increase, please see the ThreadLimit directive.AH00311: ThreadsPerChild of %d exceeds ThreadLimit of %d, decreasing to matchAH00312: WARNING: ThreadsPerChild of %d not allowed, increasing to 1.AH00313: ThreadsPerChild of %d not allowed, increasing to 1AH00314: WARNING: MaxRequestWorkers of %d is less than ThreadsPerChild of %d, increasing to %d. MaxRequestWorkers must be at least as large as the number of threads in a single server.AH00315: MaxRequestWorkers of %d is less than ThreadsPerChild of %d, increasing to matchAH00316: WARNING: MaxRequestWorkers of %d is not an integer multiple of ThreadsPerChild of %d, decreasing to nearest multiple %d, for a maximum of %d servers.AH00317: MaxRequestWorkers of %d is not an integer multiple of ThreadsPerChild of %d, decreasing to nearest multiple %dAH00318: WARNING: MaxRequestWorkers of %d would require %d servers and would exceed ServerLimit of %d, decreasing to %d. To increase, please see the ServerLimit directive.AH00319: MaxRequestWorkers of %d would require %d servers and exceed ServerLimit of %d, decreasing to %dAH00320: WARNING: StartServers of %d not allowed, increasing to 1.AH00321: StartServers of %d not allowed, increasing to 1AH00322: WARNING: MinSpareThreads of %d not allowed, increasing to 1 to avoid almost certain server failure. Please read the documentation.AH00323: MinSpareThreads of %d not allowed, increasing to 1AH00279: apr_thread_join: unable to join the start threadAH00299: apr_proc_detach failedno listening sockets available, shutting downap_queue_info_set_idle failed. Attempting to shutdown process gracefully.AH03139: ap_queue_pop_socket failedAH00276: the listener thread didn't exitAH00277: apr_thread_join: unable to join listener threadAH00278: apr_thread_join: unable to join worker thread %dAH00324: MaxClients is deprecated, use MaxRequestWorkers instead.AH03142: ap_thread_create: unable to create worker threadAH00275: ap_thread_create: unable to create listener threadchild %d isn't taking over slots very quickly (%d of %d)AH00272: apr_proc_mutex_%s failed before this child process served any requests.AH00273: apr_proc_mutex_%s failed. Attempting to shutdown process gracefully.apr_queue_info_wait failed. Attempting to shutdown process gracefully.AH03137: apr_pollset_poll: (listen)AH03138: ap_queue_push_socket failedAH00274: apr_proc_mutex_unlock failed. Attempting to shutdown process gracefully.AH10375: Couldn't initialize child main threadAH00280: Couldn't initialize cross-process lock in childAH00281: Couldn't initialize signal threadAH03140: ap_queue_create() failedAH03141: ap_queue_info_create() failedAH03285: Couldn't create pollset in thread; check system or user limitsAH03286: Couldn't create add listener to pollset; check system or user limitsAH02435: WARNING: ThreadStackSize of %lu is inappropriate, using defaultAH00282: ap_thread_create: unable to create worker threadAH00283: fork: Unable to fork new processAH00263: pid %d taking over scoreboard slot from %d%sAH00292: %s configured -- resuming normal operationsAH00294: Accept mutex: %s (default: %s)AH00290: Ignoring fatal error in child of previous generation (pid %ld).AH00291: long lost child came home! (pid %ld)AH10393: children are killed successively!AH02325: A resource shortage or other unrecoverable failure was encountered before any child process initialized successfully... httpd is exiting!AH00286: server reached MaxRequestWorkers setting, consider raising the MaxRequestWorkers settingAH00287: server is within MinSpareThreads of MaxRequestWorkers, consider raising the MaxRequestWorkers settingAH00288: scoreboard is full, not at MaxRequestWorkersAH00289: server seems busy, (you may need to increase StartServers, ThreadsPerChild or Min/MaxSpareThreads), spawning %d children, there are around %d idle threads, and %d total childrenAH00295: caught SIGTERM, shutting downAH00296: caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefullyAH00298: SIGHUP received. Attempting to restartAH00297: SIGUSR1 received. Doing graceful restartMaximum length of the queue of pending connections, as used by listen(2)Ratio between the number of CPU cores (online) and the number of listeners bucketsA port number or a numeric IP address and a port number, and an optional protocolNumber of child processes launched at server startupMinimum number of idle threads, to handle request spikesMaximum number of idle threadsMaximum number of threads alive at the same timeDeprecated name of MaxRequestWorkersNumber of threads each child createsMaximum number of child processes for this run of ApacheMaximum number of worker threads per child process for this run of Apache - Upper limit for ThreadsPerChildMaximum time in seconds to wait for child processes to complete transactions during shutdown;"8 `Px`p| 0 0|p T`P$h`Dx , zRx $`FJ w?:*3$"Dp\У#p Hx MAD k(Z0H8H@K L(P0M8H@K E(L0O8F@K H(G0P8A@FHFPK |(G0F8H@HHFPK i CBB n(H0I(B s(I0](K W(G0M8F@K j(P0W(A m(]0F8H@R _(]0F8H@R j(P0W(A K CBE S(N0Z(B D(H0I(B B(E0A8H@K _(N0M8F@K j(L0O8F@K L(P0M8H@K P(G0F8H@HHFPK O(G0M8F@K K(N0Y(A P(N0Y(B G(N0Y(B N(I0^(K `?(tdACGQ AAA $\D  A \(H0U(A HĬFBA A(N0 (A ABBF d8_@R8F0x&FBB B(D0A8DVUA[ 8A0A(B BBBA N^A JT  ]J u JJ (D_00IAF IAAM l̲BFHB B(A0A8D 8A0A(B BBBK K]TAfIGl`5BBB E(D0F8G`@hAp\hA`^ 8A0A(B BBBA ThIpUhA`xhFpUhB`0|OEID Q DAH YDA0OEID Q DAH YDA08OEID Q DAH YDA0lзOEID Q DAH YDA0OEID Q DAH YDA0OEID Q DAH YDA@$FID Q ABI p ABE D(i0H(A (LkVJL oAACxĸ]N EAFx FEF B(A0A8D9GAHKY 8C0A(B BBBA KZWFP]0(DnM HAI O lH OF\`FEB E(A0C8D\VG 8A0A(B BBBE l\RFPRAPdRA2BEE A(A0D`hLpRhA`A hApH [ hApH hLpThA`KhApKhA`] hDpK [ hApK Z hApN [hApdx4"BBE B(A0C8F@r 8D0A(B BBBD qHHPGXA`N@^HgPMHF@,zRHC XABAL LzFBB B(A0D8JVMLB HJ nMHA~]FHKzOBIAAKiHA` 8A0A(B BBBK HcAiVAMiHHiWBbWBUiHAHiHBdiIAGNUp=0= P 0W&V86VxFW0WЖX@VhU tU`Зs   - ,~  o`  ( "p ooooo+ --.. .0.@.P.`.p.........// /0/@/P/`/p/////////00 000@0P0`0p00000000011 101@1P1`1p11111111122 202@2P2`2p22222222233 303@3P3`3p33333333344 404@4P4`4p44444444455 505@53~42PA@ >GA$3a1-9~ GA$3p1067=*~GA*GA$annobin gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA$plugin name: gcc-annobinGA$running gcc 8.5.0 20210514GA*GA*GA! 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