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Note that this method checks for an *exact* match with the prefix. Use the 'in' operator if you want to test whether a given address is contained within some prefix.keys() -> list Return a list of all prefixes in the tree.get(prefix, [default]) -> object Return value associated with prefix.get_key(prefix) -> prefix Return key associated with prefix (longest matching prefix).delete(prefix) -> Delete mapping associated with prefix. insert(prefix, data) -> data Create mapping between prefix and data in tree.children(prefix) -> list Return a list of all prefixes that are more specific than the given prefix (the prefix must be present as an exact match).parent(prefix) -> prefix Return the immediate parent of the given prefix (the prefix must be present as an exact match).Yet another patricia tree module in Python. But this one's better. ;4h8X<\(8 8LXdh,@h(H`x84HX8\x$ p   < (P 8  8L zRx $FJ w?;*3$"D@4XL_BED C(L0|(C ABBt=AV I \ D0R J j F `P6RDD ^ ABE (H0P(D A ABG DABIH D(H08,L((`$ADF0t AAG LKBB A(C0J~ 0C(A BBBK \ 0A(A BBBD  0A(A BBBE H(|;<P,AjHlBBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBG <AX8@BBA A(Gu (A ABBH (BAA AB@<BBB A(A0G 0D(A BBBF  H BBB E(D0A8DP 8D0A(B BBBB pHBEA A(G0t (A ABBF w (A ABBC y (A ABBA H (A ABBA $T`6AID bDA4|xBAI j ABG XAB"AT K A4BAI b CBE UCB XDY$`lSODDXl7Ac L $AS  AC \BBA K(D0j (A ABBD R (F ABBK Z (A ABBH < xAAGpG AAF g AAG VAALUHdBBG B(A0A8G 8D0A(B BBBA (dD J B \ D S E \1F[8 BBA D(G (D ABBH @4BCN F0n  DABB O  DABJ Hx\BDB O(A0A8G 8D0A(B BBBI ,BGA G ABD $XAS x AC DCLHBBA D(D0_ (A ABBF L (E ABBE l5AS@ AG  @BCN F0Z  DABF O  DABJ (LAIM0[ DAI ( AGD u DAJ $@ DDAGD uAA4h lAIM0T DAH O DAD  Aq F F! 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