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No UDP socket could successfully be initialized, some functionality may be disabled. Invalid protocol '%s' in allowed sender list, line ignoredError %d constructing parser object - ignoring allowed sender listError %d parsing address in allowed senderlist - ignoring.You can not specify 0 bits of the netmask, this would match ALL systems. If you really intend to do that, remove all $AllowedSender directives.Invalid number of bits (%d) in IPv4 address - adjusted to 32Invalid number of bits (%d) in IPv6 address - adjusted to 128Internal error caused AllowedSender to be ignored, AF = %dIgnoring hostname based ACLs because DNS is disabled.Adding hostname "%s" to ACL as a wildcard entry.Hostname "%s" WON'T be added to ACL.Error %d adding allowed sender entry - ignoring.Error %d adding allowed sender entry - terminating, nothing more will be added.Listening on %s syslogd socket %d (%s/port %d). Listening on syslogd socket %d - could not obtain peer info. 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